Can you have nutrient Slime on roots?


Well-Known Member
I ran for many years doing neither
This is the first time i think i have actually used bennies or sterilization .

Next run is back to normal since i wont be switching nutes midway :)

Unless i get a problem i wont run either


Well-Known Member
I ran for many years doing neither
This is the first time i think i have actually used bennies or sterilization .

Next run is back to normal since i wont be switching nutes midway :)

Unless i get a problem i wont run either
I'm so reluctant to flush! Everything is rock solid, roots are white, no smell, etc...I add around 5-gallons a day, so there is a decent amount fresh water being added.

Anyone out there go a full grow with no flushes? Remember, this is going to be for a larger volume of water, which has a lot to do with everything.


Well-Known Member
Ive gone a while and when i think of flush im thinking of just regular water either phed or plain

I dont flush in between my grow but i do near the end (not trying to start a flushing thread :))

The only problem with runing extended res times is a chance ov build up of nutes that arent being used by the plant .

But if your plant is happy you can grow right to the end on one res (look up kratky method)

I change my res mainley cause im trying to tailor the feed to the plants changes as it gets bigger nutes get stronger till week 4or 5 on an 8 week plant :)


Well-Known Member
Couldn't imagine not flushing weekly ,are your systems that much different or what ,


Well-Known Member
Couldn't imagine not flushing weekly ,are your systems that much different or what ,
Here are some reasons I've been able to go a while without flushing:
  • Using 55-gallons in my system
  • Water temps stay within 68-70 degrees at all times
  • I don't go heavy on nutes. I stay below the burn and go by what the plants are telling me
  • No light leaks in my totes
  • Adding a shitload of dissolved oxygen to the center of the roots via a waterfall and a fairly powerful air pump
  • Always wash equipment with liquid Dawn, which is a degreaser, and spray bleach mix to sterilize
I pay close attention to the smell. I don't really smell anything with my water, and it's clear. The second I smell anything I flush. I'm not saying my way is the best way and I'm better than everyone else, these are just things I do, and it works pretty well so far :)

I'm at 600ppm, and my res is clear. System was filled on 02/15.

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