Trump Tariffs - What does it mean to you and your grow ?

Do you think you will pay more ?

  • Yes ... FUCK !

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't give a shit

    Votes: 2 50.0%

  • Total voters
In fairness, he's right on one part of this; the Chinese government mandated technology transfers required of any company wanting to access the Chinese marketplace have been an unmotivated disaster for the 25 years they've been in place, extorting the most valuable trade secrets of our manufacturing and engineering firms.

Just like dumping the TPP, this isn't a defense of his policies but rather an admission that a stopped clock is still right twice a day...
In fairness, he's right on one part of this; the Chinese government mandated technology transfers required of any company wanting to access the Chinese marketplace have been an unmotivated disaster for the 25 years they've been in place, extorting the most valuable trade secrets of our manufacturing and engineering firms.

Just like dumping the TPP, this isn't a defense of his policies but rather an admission that a stopped clock is still right twice a day...
Chinese products were always shitty, but they were cheap and really the only game in town.
Now, we are going to pay more for the same shitty product, but there will be a work around to maintain the profit margin, and that is to make an even cheaper product.
Can you imagine a even shittier Chinese product?
Holy cow, we're fucked
There was a time where "made in Japan" was synonymous with crap.

Watch out.
There was a time where "made in Japan" was synonymous with crap.

Watch out.

Why do some people think products are crap just because they are made in a certain place? garbage is made everywhere and that's a result of the company selecting to cheap out on material to save themselves a couple bucks.
it means someone finally woke up to whats happening around here. patent stealing is nothing compared to the CHILD LABOR! HEAR ME KATHY LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Made in China means, made by child slave labor. look it up.