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i've never understood this whole thing. let's say you live close to the galactic core. you have all the modern conveniences. you belong to an enlightened society that has faster than light travel, you can go pretty much anywhere in this entire galaxy you want to go you pick a remote planet, in a remote arm of the galaxy, pretty much away from anything else notable, that's populated by the recent ancestors of poo flinging monkeys, that haven't evolved out of the poo flinging behavior yet, they've just started to do it verbally. you go by hundreds of other systems, with thousands of other go to Dogpatch and hangout with Lil Abner and Daisy Mae? why the fuck would you do that? you wouldn't, and neither would beings from another, more advanced, fucking far away planet.
i DO believe in alien life, it would be incredibly arrogant to think that we are the pinnacle of creation. i just don't think the rest of the universe is into hanging out in bumfuque
totally disagree but love the 'Poo Flinging' thats us Poo Flingers wait this just in .....


Tests on a six-inch-long mummified skeleton from Chile
confirm that it represents the remains of a newborn with multiple mutations in key genes.

Despite being the size of a foetus, initial tests had suggested the bones were of a child aged six to eight.

These highly unusual features prompted wild speculation about its origin.

Now, DNA testing indicates that the estimated age of the bones and other anomalies may have been a result of the genetic mutations.

Details of the work have been published in the journal Genome Research.

In addition to its exceptionally small height, the skeleton had several unusual physical features,

such as fewer than expected ribs and a cone-shaped head.

The remains were initially discovered in a pouch in the abandoned nitrate mining town of La Noria.

From there, they found their way into a private collection in Spain.

Some wondered whether the remains, dubbed Ata after the Atacama region where they were discovered,

could in fact be the remains of a non-human primate.

A documentary, called Sirius, even suggested it could be evidence of alien visitations.........(yawn wheres RIU?)

Hollywood and NASA are in cahoots you dorks. NASA has THE finest studio in Hollywood. Now why would they need that? For fake ISS footage? They want you to pay your hard earned dollars to watch all their sci fi outer space movies. Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings for the C.I.A. and there is no outer space. The earth is a bio-dome. Look up operation fishbowl and high altitude nuclear testing in the early 60's in the south pacific. This was initiated just after operation high jump and operation deep freeze were completed in the Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty ...just do your research. The surface of the ocean making a 360 degree curve, outer space with aliens light years away. I have to SMDH because it's so fucking stupid. :wall:
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Hollywood and NASA are in cahoots you dorks. NASA has THE finest studio in Hollywood. Now why would they need that? For fake ISS footage? They want you to pay your hard earned dollars to watch all their sci fi outer space movies. Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings for the C.I.A. and there is no outer space. The earth is bio-dome. Look up operation fishbowl and high altitude nuclear testing in the early 60's in the south pacific. This was initiated just after operation high jump and operation deep freeze were completed in the Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty ...just do your research.

You just keep peddling your silly ideas every new thread you think someone will listen.

Everything you have posted is a rediculous you tube conspiracy vid.

We posted 40 pages of proof against you on the flat earth thread.

Carry on.
Hollywood and NASA are in cahoots you dorks. NASA has THE finest studio in Hollywood. Now why would they need that? For fake ISS footage? They want you to pay your hard earned dollars to watch all their sci fi outer space movies. Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landings for the C.I.A. and there is no outer space. The earth is a bio-dome. Look up operation fishbowl and high altitude nuclear testing in the early 60's in the south pacific. This was initiated just after operation high jump and operation deep freeze were completed in the Antarctica. The Antarctic Treaty ...just do your research. The surface of the ocean making a 360 degree curve, outer space with aliens light years away. I have to SMDH because it's so fucking stupid. :wall:
you don't sound very retarded by me ...?
i understand what you're saying, but i'm an aberration....i do NOT enjoy jerry springer...or jackass, or anything like it. to me it's a reminder of how far we have to go, and it's a long fucking way. i hope anyone advanced enough to get here, wouldn't be amused either

I would class you as perfectly normal, in my eyes, for all that the likes of Springer, Jackass and the idiots on YouTube are is the modern day equivalent of the tours of Bethlem where, for a few shillings, you could go and mock the lunatics, throw things at them and even buy pointy sticks to poke the loons to make them more loony.

Nowadays we have people who provide such "entertainment" not only for free but also voluntarily, which does make you wonder how much humanity has regressed in this wonderful age of the internet and TV.

Regarding how far we have to go, we know more about space than the ocean(s) on this planet, we can put a man on the moon but still can't get one on Michelle Rodriguez, and still can't manage to avoid stepping in a dog turd. That tells us all we need to know.
I had a sexual encounter with bigfoot ....not by choice.... He just kept laughing about how we think his name is Big Foot because of his feet.

It's not...... I also got the impression that Big Foot's and aliens are pretty much crips and bloods. They're in a power struggle for human resources.....mostly butthole.

Be safe people.
I had a sexual encounter with bigfoot ....not by choice.... He just kept laughing about how we think his name is Big Foot because of his feet.

It's not...... I also got the impression that Big Foot's and aliens are pretty much crips and bloods. They're in a power struggle for human resources.....mostly butthole.

Be safe people.
that's probably the only resource we have that can't be found elsewhere in the galaxy....this planet IS the source of all assholes
Look into buying a telescope research says just get some good binoculars. All you idiots are doing is watching lights that are fixed into the firmament under magnification. There was a guy on ebay that had sold 6 or 7 pairs of german made binoculars months before for 900 to 1,200 bux each and was then trying to sell a enormous $8,000 custom made telescope. Dude lived in Wyoming far away from the city and light pollution. He still didn't find what he was hoping he would see. Aliens in the Antarctic or deep ocean? That would be more believable i guess for fuck sakes.
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Look into buying a telescope research says just get some good binoculars. All you idiots are doing is watching lights that are fixed into the firmament under magnification. There was a guy on ebay that had sold 6 or 7 pairs of german made binoculars months before for 900 to 1,200 bux each and was then trying to sell a enormous $8,000 custom made telescope. Dude lived in Wyoming far away from the city and light pollution. He still didn't find what he was hoping he would see. Aliens in the Antarctic or deep ocean? That would be more believable i guess for fuck sakes.

One of my old friends from high school got a job at the Vermont observatory. He told what he saw different than your silly comment with no proof of anything but your word as usual.

He also listened to the stars and such and could track their movements.

I have never said this to anyone but you need LESS pot dude. You are permantly hallucinating.
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