True. Oh ok, it’s a minor component of the KNO3. Gotcha. Which I have a lot of. Is ammonium nitrate good for hydro? I never looked into it. Thanks for the help
just to clarify, you run the GH flora micro and bloom ? or the newer GH flora duo? if it's the flora duo, i'm curious what your mix ratio was for bloom? i tried it and always had some issues in bloom, veg worked fine.
The flora and purple bottles.from flip to about the 4th week I was 1 part a to 2 part b.after the 6th week I was on straight B.
The flora and purple bottles.from flip to about the 4th week I was 1 part a to 2 part b.after the 6th week I was on straight B.
thanks! i might try them again after i use up the last of my maxibloom. nutes are about the only things i mess with anymore.
I can kind of understand this. I've always been interested in designing my own nutrients, but it should be obvious that not everyone wants to do it. Honestly, I'd be more likely to go commercial selling nutes than weed. (probably not)

That being said, No disrespect but I can't understand why so many people come on these DIY threads to advise against it. That's kind of trolling, isn't it? (not like it's just you doing it..) I guess you were called in about something unrelated, but generally we get the 2 cents of someone who's never even tried.

I agree about the pics though... One day I will show everyone the plants I grow with my mixes just to help show it's a viable choice, but it's probably not a good idea right now. Until then, you're going to have to accept that plants like N.
I called heisen in here cause guy said he wouldnt show pics cause hes in an illegal state.

Well so is heisen and he grows pretty big .
And some people grow even bigger
True. Oh ok, it’s a minor component of the KNO3. Gotcha. Which I have a lot of. Is ammonium nitrate good for hydro? I never looked into it. Thanks for the help
Its a minor component of the calcinit, about 1%, the KNO3 provides nitrate and potassium. NH4 is generally used as an alternative N source to control PH in recirculated systems. NH4 (+) is a cation and NO3 (-) is an anion but both supply N, The NH4 should not exceed 10% of the total N (at least 90% should be NO3)
Its a minor component of the calcinit, about 1%, the KNO3 provides nitrate and potassium. NH4 is generally used as an alternative N source to control PH in recirculated systems. NH4 (+) is a cation and NO3 (-) is an anion but both supply N, The NH4 should not exceed 10% of the total N (at least 90% should be NO3)
I stand corrected.
Its a minor component of the calcinit, about 1%, the KNO3 provides nitrate and potassium. NH4 is generally used as an alternative N source to control PH in recirculated systems. NH4 (+) is a cation and NO3 (-) is an anion but both supply N, The NH4 should not exceed 10% of the total N (at least 90% should be NO3)
With that useful info on ammoniacal nitrate sources, I should be able to reverse engineer the the flora duo series. I’m gonna try that soon...after I fix my DIY formula, which thanks to you I figured out that I need to proportionately lower my MKP while raising my Yara CaNO3. I’ll go out and buy the GH Micro and Bloom to do the side by side comparison to see when I get it copied. I’ll just reduce my DIY nute formula to two parts until it produces the same EC and pH shift characteristics as the store bought GH Micro and Bloom.
Because I was trying to copy GH Lucas from the get go but went totally sideways.
Oh, by the way, I have 100’s of pounds of all the major components on hand. All of them, any chemical powder that was mentioned on this thread I have at least 100 pounds of on hand. So I’m gonna get busy with at least 3 different diy formulas to see what works best. Ill be back on this thread to report those findings (with pics). Next week...
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You’re adding ammonium nitrate ? I just want to make sure about the N(NH4+) source. The rest of it is easy enough for me to reverse engineer.
That Heisengrow gets 2 gpw? He can troll this thread all he wants as far as I’m concerned. Dayumm! I wanna see what this guy is doing. Even if he’s slightly exaggerating he’s gotta be pulling something close to that if he’s that confident. I do not mind being nay said by masters. If Cold$moke recommended him, he’s prolly no joke.
I check my pride in at the door and I will humbly beg this guy to let me know what he’s doing to get that, if he hasn’t posted it already.

The ammonium in my formula comes from the double salt:

5 Ca(NO3)2 + 1 NH4NO3

(yara calcium nitrate)

Buying NH4NO3 will DEFINITELY get you flagged. You don't really need it anyway. In hydro, yara calcinit has enough, and for soil, use synthetic urea.
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I crunched some numbers and came up with this:

Part A
973 g Calcium Nitrate
30.86 g Iron DTPA 13%
Top up to 1 gallon with warm RO water

Part B
667 g Epsom Salt
Top up to 1 gallon with warm RO water

Part C
430 g Potassium Nitrate
187 g Monopotassium Phosphate
79 g Potassium Sulfate
14.54 g EDTA Mn 13%
3.78 g EDTA Zn 15%
2.52 g EDTA Cu 15%
1.79 g Solubor
.06 g Ammonium Molybdate
Top up to 1 gallon with warm RO water

Add 800 ml of each to 54 gallons of water.
I have no clue what the final EC is.
I haven’t tried it yet.
Who knows how the pH will shift? Not this guy.
Now I’m thinking the 79 g of potassium sulfate should be omitted (because K2SO4 is organic) and the rest of the potassium needed will come from 10% potassium hydroxide.
That should be a close approximation of churchhaze #23 mix but with a little more Mg and S.
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I crunched some numbers and came up with this:

Part A
973 g Calcium Nitrate
30.86 g Iron DTPA 13%
Top up to 1 gallon with warm RO water

Part B
667 g Epsom Salt
Top up to 1 gallon with warm RO water

Part C
430 g Potassium Nitrate
187 g Monopotassium Phosphate
79 g Potassium Sulfate
14.54 g EDTA Mn 13%
3.78 g EDTA Zn 15%
2.52 g EDTA Cu 15%
1.79 g Solubor
.06 g Ammonium Molybdate
Top up to 1 gallon with warm RO water

Add 800 ml of each to 54 gallons of water.
I have no clue what the final EC is.
I haven’t tried it yet.
Who knows how the pH will shift? Not this guy.

Why 3 parts, your epsom is separate from mkp. Are you experiencing Magnesium Phosphate precipitation issues?