Looks like Donald might get to destroy the economy and have a war or two before he's done, Mitch and Paul will look on, party before country. The GOP is filled with racist/tribalist loonies today, that's not right/left. but objective fact, an objective observation by an outsider. Eight years of Obama drove every racist in America into the GOP and drove every decent person out, it was easy for Trump to sweep the base off it's feet, he was the king of birtherism after all. Trump, the republicans and the "white tribe" have become conflated in the minds of many Americans, at least subconsciously. That kind of racism/tribalism is the only thing that can jerk people's chains to the point where they actively filter reality. Of course FOXnews helps tremendously with this and is responsible for much of the alternative reality and division in the country, lately they've been partnering with russia and their views often aline.
The fact that Mitch and Paul have to pander to the lowest elements in American society and blindly support a sociopathic traitor who is manifestly unfit for office says it all. They have completely abrogated their responsibility under the constitution as a separate branch of government and as a check on the presidency. They have no choice, the base demands it, and the base is not what the average American wants anymore, but something else, the base is ok with treason, the base is around 30 to 40% of the general population and?% of the white population? In reality only about 20% of the population don't care about anything, convictions in court and russian involvement will peel off the rest of Trumps's support..
So will Mitch and Paul stand by while Mueller is fired or hobbled? While the economy crashes with a trade war? Or while millions are killed in Korea? John Bolton and Donald Trump making life or death, war or peace calls together, two loose cannons will sink a ship faster, than one.
Dow sheds more than 1,100 points in two days as trade jitters rock Wall Street
We got soybeans for sale in Canada too, lot's of em and so does Europe, looks like the price just went up, thanks Donald! This is gonna 'cornhole' his base in middle America! Wonder if they are tired of winning yet...