Random Jabber Jibber thread

Lost a 15+yr friend to an OD yesterday. It's weird, I don't feel as bad as I think I should, kinda hard to feel sorry for someone that was given multiple opportunities to get away, but didn't. I feel bad for his family, this is the parents second kid to OD, and he was recently trying to reconnect with his kids. I hadn't talked to him much over the last couple years because of his involvement with dope, but I'm really gonna miss him.

That's 4 od's I've heard of in the last week, this shit is out of control but no one does anything about it. WTF?
Lost a 15+yr friend to an OD yesterday. It's weird, I don't feel as bad as I think I should, kinda hard to feel sorry for someone that was given multiple opportunities to get away, but didn't. I feel bad for his family, this is the parents second kid to OD, and he was recently trying to reconnect with his kids. I hadn't talked to him much over the last couple years because of his involvement with dope, but I'm really gonna miss him.

That's 4 od's I've heard of in the last week, this shit is out of control but no one does anything about it. WTF?
Have you seen this?! WTF http://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2018/03/22/bug-spray-drug-zombie/
Yep, nearly, if not more than, half of the people I ran around with in high school are dead. The other half are my friends for life.

Not sure if I've told this story but…The craziest thing is I can pinpoint the exact moment that our group split and diverged. We were all hanging at my friends house getting ready to go to a rave like we usually did on the weekends back in them days. But earlier in the day one of the kids, who is now dead, found a bundle of H on the ground outside his alternative school. Half of us went to the rave and are alive and well to this day, the other half stayed at that friends house to try H for the first time. Pretty crazy to think back on that day and vividly see paths of life.
When my dad died 15 years ago, the funeral guy gave me the code to enter the building a half hour before they opened for evening viewing.

I asked why he locked it for an hour and he said HS kids were stealing formaldehyde to put on weed.
(I still haven't figured out WTF is up with that.)


Made multiple trips to various Caribbean island ports in the 70's & the local beer (Red Stripe) was said to have formaldehyde in it (for preservation as I recall hearing).
It was easy to believe as the morning hangover was beyond vicious.
Yep, nearly, if not more than, half of the people I ran around with in high school are dead. The other half are my friends for life.

Not sure if I've told this story but…The craziest thing is I can pinpoint the exact moment that our group split and diverged. We were all hanging at my friends house getting ready to go to a rave like we usually did on the weekends back in them days. But earlier in the day one of the kids, who is now dead, found a bundle of H on the ground outside his alternative school. Half of us went to the rave and are alive and well to this day, the other half stayed at that friends house to try H for the first time. Pretty crazy to think back on that day and vividly see paths of life.
I have a similar story. College and three stayed for the H the rest dropped acid and went to see Tommy. You can guess the group that's still living and/or functional.
I have a similar story. College and three stayed for the H the rest dropped acid and went to see Tommy. You can guess the group that's still living and/or functional.

I've never seen H in my hood, I'm sure it is out there somewhere. But I have lost a lot of friends to meth and tabs . I always hung with an older crowd, and meth would blow their hearts up. We had biker crank back in the 80's but I chose to not go down that road.
i'm lucky, in that people annoy me on good days. when i see people on meth, or oxy, or wtf ever, they just look so god damn stupid, i can't seriously think about what they're doing, and want to try it myself. i feel like telling them that if they shoot themselves in the head with a nail gun, just above and ahead of their ear, they'll stay high for the rest of their lives.
which isn't actually a lie.