First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
there 8 , hope i get 12 t0 14 oz. dry we'II see. one finished earIy ,i guess thier dif. pheno type within the hybrid.butg hese are gonna get heavier. i didnt think much ofem at first. they are 3, 4 and a haIf ft. taII, but fiIIed in niceIy. thanx for the compIment.


Well-Known Member
damn cant believe you got those that big in just 2gal pots!! i hope i can get at least an oz per plant in 5gal haha


Well-Known Member
600, knocking off 30% of the veg at 30 days and reveaI aII budding sites so it can get heavy ,i wasnt sure about these , now kind of impressed. yea defin. soId on buying femin. seeds.they are reaI gIossy from thc reIeasing . i hit them with that ching ching and mineraI water yesterday.
that high phospherous reaIy Iivened them up :leaf:
all together i got 6 plants because i killed the purp male today..2 are flowering while the other 4 are just vegging still..once i find out the sex of the other widow thats when ill put the 4 thats vegging to flower..hopefully they dont take 2 weeks to show like the other ones..


Well-Known Member
i wonder if my NL will start showing soon... and i wonder how big of a difference all the ff nutes will make since all i used on my last one was grow big and tiger bloom. got all 6 for this one as well as some molasses
i used regular nutes from the garden shop this time,npk was 20-20-20 and the bloom was npk 5-30-20..Its working good for me now..But i plan on getting coco coir and monkey juice for that or ff soil with ff nutes and some iguana juice


Well-Known Member
yeah theres so many different nutes out there who knows whats best. i picked up some superthrive the other day when i went to get my soil. dont even know if ill use it though from what ive read it seems like a bunch of hogwash
its supposed to be somekind of plant booster for the roots i think..i hear alot of people use it for clones and when they transplant..I was thinking monkey juice because they say its the best for coco coir,and coco coir is cheap 12 dollars for 2 cubic feet..ill just mix it with 16 quarts of perlite and i got a good mix..ff soil will be next on the list with the ff nutes and some iguana juice..youre right its so many nutes who knows what to choose..


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i know i just got it since i was looking around while i was waiting. they have ocean forest for 12 dollars 1.5 bags which is pretty good. i got a 3.5 bag of perlite too and mixed in like 25%...