Do racists prefer Bernie over Clinton?

Jill loved the recount money she kept. Whoops!


There are so many shameless acts..better to focus on what we CAN change for the betterment of society as a whole- health wage education and kill CU then the Electoral college.
And anyone would ever know that by reading any of the posts he's written in the last month? All the more reason not to hide your profile. Also just because someone does a few good things doesn't make them a less angry person. I frequently participate in lionfish hunts and beach cleanups. I have served my country. My family has served our country. By your reasoning does this make me less of an asshole?

I was hoping your takeaway on him would be angry young excuse.
There are so many shameless acts..better to focus on what we CAN change for the betterment of society as a whole- health wage education and kill CU then the Electoral college.
I think we could rework a better version of the EC. Despite it's popularity it serves a pretty valid purpose. It would be very easy for California and New England to control every presidency and national initiative if based solely on popular votes. As someone who does not live in either of those places I enjoy the illusion of my vote not being completely arbitrary. As much as it is only an illusion.
I have been off VA disability for almost two years. I no longer need it, not that any of that is anyone's business. I revealed to someone years ago when I was on it and it's been spread by jobless racists ever since. It's nobody's business here to be talked about, especially dimwitted ass holes like @schuylaar who actually goes around accusing others of doxxing.
I have been off VA disability for almost two years. I no longer need it, not that any of that is anyone's business. I revealed to someone years ago when I was on it and it's been spread by jobless racists ever since. It's nobody's business here to be talked about, especially dimwitted ass holes like @schuylaar who actually goes around accusing others of doxxing.
Were you deported too?
And anyone would ever know that by reading any of the posts he's written in the last month? All the more reason not to hide your profile. Also just because someone does a few good things doesn't make them a less angry person. I frequently participate in lionfish hunts and beach cleanups. I have served my country. My family has served our country. By your reasoning does this make me less of an asshole?
You commented in this thread, singled me out when I directed my comment at a sock puppet who started a very racist thread and came into this one to troll. Did you expect I would read your line and welcome your thoughts? If you wanted that, maybe you would have commented in regards to the thread topic and maybe then I would have replied to you without the sarcasm. This is my first interaction with you on this website, and maybe the first you have ever commented in this subforum. As for anger, how else am I to react to an invasion of klansocks?
There are so many shameless acts..better to focus on what we CAN change for the betterment of society as a whole- health wage education and kill CU then the Electoral college.

The problem with "betterment for society" is there is no such thing as a universal goal for every person.

So when you seek to mold others to your idea of what's best for them, and employ threats for their noncompliance to those ideas, people will usually not like that. That's why "political solutions" rarely solve anything, they just shift who gets to hold the power and the gun of control over others. It's a circular formula which always creates dissension because of the first line in this post.

That leads me to believe mutual respect is the should be free to do the things you like, as long as you allow others to do the things they like.

The only person any of us should make do something if they abide with mutual respect , is ourselves.
Can't expect an Ayn Rand reading, neckbearded, ancap who compares taxation to slavery and civil rights to rape and who has no job, to understand the concept of betterment of society. Such a thing would be as foreign to such a person as consent.
And anyone would ever know that by reading any of the posts he's written in the last month? All the more reason not to hide your profile. Also just because someone does a few good things doesn't make them a less angry person. I frequently participate in lionfish hunts and beach cleanups. I have served my country. My family has served our country. By your reasoning does this make me less of an asshole?
You sound like a mad angry thing go pick up some more garbage
I have been off VA disability for almost two years. I no longer need it, not that any of that is anyone's business. I revealed to someone years ago when I was on it and it's been spread by jobless racists ever since. It's nobody's business here to be talked about, especially dimwitted ass holes like @schuylaar who actually goes around accusing others of doxxing.

You also PMd me with your pic unsolicited you’re aware I never reciprocated.
The problem with "betterment for society" is there is no such thing as a universal goal for every person.

So when you seek to mold others to your idea of what's best for them, and employ threats for their noncompliance to those ideas, people will usually not like that. That's why "political solutions" rarely solve anything, they just shift who gets to hold the power and the gun of control over others. It's a circular formula which always creates dissension because of the first line in this post.

That leads me to believe mutual respect is the should be free to do the things you like, as long as you allow others to do the things they like.

The only person any of us should make do something if they abide with mutual respect , is ourselves.

Correct. Better though to be able to opt for health without you have nothing, living wages because you get to eat and live in a home..secondary school to better yourself and yet increase those wages even more if those things are in place everyone does better even the wealthy because we will spend.

They just want to fast track the money now by not even caring about sales and funneling cash direct through tax cuts ..

They want to suck money from your card but good luck getting it back if you’re unhappy with services.
You also PMd me with your pic unsolicited you’re aware I never reciprocated.
You fucking begged me and kept at it until I finally answered and it was well before you came out as a full blown unemployed racist. There were like 4 unanswered PMs in a row before I replied to you.