Do racists prefer Bernie over Clinton?

Welcome new member. Why were you banned on your previous account?
What are you talking about? Stop making things up.

And to clarify, by OP I mean 'original post' not 'original poster'. It's just so Clinton-like in it's assumptions. It's almost like bait. Like the OPer is a troll.
What are you talking about? Stop making things up.

And to clarify, by OP I mean 'original post' not 'original poster'. It's just so Clinton-like in it's assumptions. Some people will never learn.
Thanks for clarifying. I always laugh when a sock puppet insists they're not a sock puppet in the hopes that their opinion will be treated like it has value. So I take it you prefer Sanders over Clinton. Is that correct? I actually do value your opinion in regards to this particular question.
Thanks for clarifying. I always laugh when a sock puppet insists they're not a sock puppet in the hopes that their opinion will be treated like it has value. So I take it you prefer Sanders over Clinton. Is that correct? I actually do value your opinion in regards to this particular question.
I really don't know who you prefer. I'm not really a fan of either Clinton or Sanders. Clinton gets a 1/10. Bernie gets a 2/10. That being said, I'd vote for either over a republican.

Oh, and you know - I think we may have had this ridiculous conversation before, or something like it. You think it's cute to just pull shit out of your ass, fishing for attention.
I really don't know who you prefer. I'm not really a fan of either Clinton or Sanders. Clinton gets a 1/10. Bernie gets a 2/10. That being said, I'd vote for either over a republican.

Oh, and you know - I think we may have had this ridiculous conversation before, or something like it. You think it's cute to just pull shit out of your ass, fishing for attention.
So you're a previously banned account who prefers Sanders to Clinton, interesting...
So you're a previously banned account who prefers Sanders to Clinton, interesting...
Oh - I think I might know who you are. You're the guy who used to use the avatar of the old guy in a hoddie trying to look cool with sun glasses. Let me ask you a serious question. You have 23k posts. I can't even fathom that. Do you have a life? It's fucking weird.
Correct. Better though to be able to opt for health without you have nothing, living wages because you get to eat and live in a home..secondary school to better yourself and yet increase those wages even more if those things are in place everyone does better even the wealthy because we will spend.

They just want to fast track the money now by not even caring about sales and funneling cash direct through tax cuts ..

They want to suck money from your card but good luck getting it back if you’re unhappy with services.

When you say opt for, I hope you mean you like people having options, while not choosing others options for them, since that would mean you've opted to limit their options at the expense of your opinion.

I sure want everyone to do better, which is why I wouldn't deign to force my ideas on them. What if my ideas for them are ones they wouldn't like?
Oh - I think I might know who you are. You're the guy who used to use the avatar of the old guy in a hoddie trying to look cool with sun glasses. Let me ask you a serious question. You have 23k posts. I can't even fathom that. Do you have a life? It's fucking weird.
You post at a higher rate than I do. You have 252, that's more than 10 per day on average, just on this one account and not even counting your previous one, which was also probably a sock.
I have been off VA disability for almost two years. I no longer need it, not that any of that is anyone's business. I revealed to someone years ago when I was on it and it's been spread by jobless racists ever since. It's nobody's business here to be talked about, especially dimwitted ass holes like @schuylaar who actually goes around accusing others of doxxing.
Watch out, she has a posse.
You fucking begged me and kept at it until I finally answered and it was well before you came out as a full blown unemployed racist. There were like 4 unanswered PMs in a row before I replied to you.

I guess we have differing copies of the same PM..I’ll show mine if I have your permission?
When you say opt for, I hope you mean you like people having options, while not choosing others options for them, since that would mean you've opted to limit their options at the expense of your opinion.

I sure want everyone to do better, which is why I wouldn't deign to force my ideas on them. What if my ideas for them are ones they wouldn't like?

Opt meaning choice. You just may not have choice on share..I pay 7.65% for my SS/Med/Dis share by law and have friends that haven’t worked on the books their whole lives and are screwed.

I’d rather have the monthly than not.
Pay up..Front Fool.

I know you have a posse but I am not quite sure you have a pussy. I think it is quite possible that you are one of those guys who is only into straight guys dumb enough and sexually inexperienced enough to fool into having sex with you without them knowing you are a guy. That would explain the large number of users here who have gotten PMs from you where you are clearly trying for some sort of personal connection. I mean, even if all of them went out and bought you makeup (which I assume you consume by the case), would it be worth it otherwise? Is it hard to keep them from fumbling around in the dark enough to feel your package? How many "connections" do you have to make before finding some poor soul who you can control enough to find one willing to only have sex in the dark (I am sure your face helps in this matter) and from behind?

Hey, don't get me wrong, I have no issue with trans people or gays, but I believe their sexual partners should know that they are fucking an ugly dude rather than a very ugly woman.


Schuy on the way to a high level meeting with one of her little pigeons.
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