Dankonomics Genetics

Is there anywhere I can get some Dankonomics to Canada? Those pics you're posting are straight fireee!
I’m actually working on that here right now. A scientific company out of British Columbia I’m talking with about distribution as well as other options like clones and tissue culture. Their just busy and I am here and there as well so it’s slow to materialize but I’m sure it won’t be long. I’m trying to crop out again, and trim and run the day to day operations as well as get my closed loop system running. Pretty soon though I’ll be back finishing my house though and looking at moving so I’m trying to get it done ASAP before I’m too busy. I’m almost now lol. But I prefer it. Keeps my mind occupied
I know elite613genetics on IG has some, i would be interested if I could access other Dank strains in Canada though
Canadian customs is more intense imo. I’d imagine it has some bearing on things and the Canadian dollar being low. I’ve asked about distributors in the past and had the same routine(lotta talk)which is usually a dead end. For my distribution though it’s expensive to ship from Europe to Canada. It would be cheaper stateside, but no one I know USA ships to Canada really. It is strange now that I think about it. I remember buying lots of Canadian seeds in the past.
I was out of town for the weekend and hired this guy. Ronald Edwin wintrick to work on my home and when I was away he loaded his truck with everything he could and he left my dogs with no food or water and tied them up and left them to starve but thankfully I came home and found all my stuff was gone and they were locked away. 83BB96E3-564B-4712-9AAD-D01F76011BE6.png
He’s currently on Pattinson ave in St. Louis Missouri and calls his biz affordable remodeling and exteriors. And his other affordable concrete resurfacing. 6C3EEEC7-27F3-473B-BF7A-571168500A4B.png
Holy fuck bud, sorry to hear this shit, this is the stuff new folks and the young guys dont get, the frecking parasites in the industry are rampant, for every decent grower there are that many more ripping thieving bastards that have never grown only ripped. Legal or not thieves are your biggest concern. Again sorry to hear about this and hope you figure a way to recover. Im still reeling after a major setback myself.
I was out of town for the weekend and hired this guy. Ronald Edwin wintrick to work on my home and when I was away he loaded his truck with everything he could and he left my dogs with no food or water and tied them up and left them to starve but thankfully I came home and found all my stuff was gone and they were locked away. View attachment 4112270
He’s currently on Pattinson ave in St. Louis Missouri and calls his biz affordable remodeling and exteriors. And his other affordable concrete resurfacing. View attachment 4112273
:O bro... He took all your stuff? How long have u known him for what the fuckin hell man seems like everyone you fuck with takes u for all u got and leaves you to bleed. I think this guy should be left somewhere to bleed... If someome did this to me id fuckin loose it n kill them honestly
:O bro... He took all your stuff? How long have u known him for what the fuckin hell man seems like everyone you fuck with takes u for all u got and leaves you to bleed. I think this guy should be left somewhere to bleed... If someome did this to me id fuckin loose it n kill them honestly
Over 10 years I knew him. Fuck he’s a best selling author on amazon lol