How far from ready


Well-Known Member
Get a jeweler's loupe and look at the trichomes. Some people like to harvest when all the triches are milky, and others wait until half of them turn amber. You don't want to harvest too early because it'll effect potency, and not too late because you'll have couch-lock weed.
I have the Loupeit shows the trichomes as thin clear/white hairs but the don’t have the balls at the end I’m in 6 week of flowering and I roughly have 3 weeks to go should I put in my ok 13/14


Well-Known Member
I have the Loupeit shows the trichomes as thin clear/white hairs but the don’t have the balls at the end I’m in 6 week of flowering and I roughly have 3 weeks to go should I put in my ok 13/14
Step back, take a deep breath, and relax LOL! Pretty much all new growers experience impatience during this time. You have to wait! Seriously, you have to have patience. Check your triches daily. You'll see them start to turn milky. A couple more weeks (depending on the strain) and you may start seeing some amber triches. I would wait until at least 1/4 of them are amber before harvesting. I wait until around half are amber. That's a pretty common rule of thumb, but its personal preference.

Not sure what you were asking with the "13/14"
Your meant to use pk 13 /14 3 weeks before harvest just wanted to know if that’s right and that if you think my plants are three weeks of harvest


Well-Known Member
Yup and just cause you see amber crystals dont go chopping down a 6or 7 week plant ;)

I like to look for ALL. Signs of ripeness including hairs and crystalls

But just casue your hairs are orange and crystals are milky dont harvest before 8 weeks lol at the minimum unless growing an ultra fast variety


Well-Known Member
As far as using pk boost
Most use in the halfway or a little before little after the half way mark

Basically if you have an 8 week plant you would pk anywhere from week 3.5 to 5 and taper your plants off the nutes after that.

They look pretty puffy though dont hit em too hard and stunt your hard work :)

Less is always more till you know exactly what they want
As far as using pk boost
Most use in the halfway or a little before little after the half way mark

Basically if you have an 8 week plant you would pk anywhere from week 3.5 to 5 and taper your plants off the nutes after that.

They look pretty puffy though dont hit em too hard and stunt your hard work :)

Less is always more till you know exactly what they want
nx brother apprechiate it