Do racists prefer Bernie over Clinton?



Schuy on the way to a high level meeting with one of her little pigeons.

I know you have a posse but I am not quite sure you have a pussy. I think it is quite possible that you are one of those guys who is only into straight guys dumb enough and sexually inexperienced enough to fool into having sex with you without them knowing you are a guy. That would explain the large number of users here who have gotten PMs from you where you are clearly trying for some sort of personal connection. I mean, even if all of them went out and bought you makeup (which I assume you consume by the case), would it be worth it otherwise? Is it hard to keep them from fumbling around in the dark enough to feel your package? How many "connections" do you have to make before finding some poor soul who you can control enough to find one willing to only have sex in the dark (I am sure your face helps in this matter) and from behind?

Hey, don't get me wrong, I have no issue with trans people or gays, but I believe their sexual partners should know that they are fucking an ugly dude rather than a very ugly woman.

hey eddy murphy, no one cares you picked up a trans prostitute and missed the balls...and now have to masturbate with your tears


Schuy on the way to a high level meeting with one of her little pigeons.

thanks for posting bucky in his/hers? clan robes....delightfully playful, like your transvestite hooker, Eddy.
I guess we have differing copies of the same PM..I’ll show mine if I have your permission?
How about I show you where you went completely racist and started a couple of racist meltdown rant threads. You literally started a PM to me titled "send me your pic" with the first post reading "I can no longer stand not knowing". This was at least the fourth time you had PMd me. I had never initiated PM with you prior. You're a desperate old unemployed racist hag whose husband left you. Don't try to make it out like I sought your company. You're a disgusting pig.
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You sound upset :lol:. Get a job? Nah, I prefer to create them. I'm looking for a good landscaper, if you know one (wink wink).
Oh right, unemployed tweaker is a "job creator". That's funny. I do believe the overgrown lot that your trailer was abandoned on before you occupied it needs some landscaping though, it can only have gotten worse since you've dwelled there. Really, get a job, gringo.