Do racists prefer Bernie over Clinton?

He paged me dimwit. I only tap the alert and answer.

But you are such an easy target on another current thread I honestly had trouble not burning you some more.
jeez I quoted you word for word and you have a cow over the fact that it's obvious you are hung up on racist ideals. Again and again you've said that a person can't be Jewish unless they could trace their line to the tiny blob of protoplasm that became Abraham or Esaw or whoever the fuck you think is your ancestor.
Sadly, their names are confined to the dustbin of history. But the last two
Thanks for trying, new member. I will just disregard your opinion as it lacks premise. Please substantiate any claims you direct toward me before making your presence obvious in my alerts and don't troll or spam our site
is this your 5th or 6th time saying goodbye now?

Dude I said “I’m out”. Meaning. I was done posting for a while.

You continuing to talk like you have any authority just because your bro won’t ban you only makes you look more desperate.

This is not your personal forum. And your opinions are just that.

One day you will have some actual education or life experiences to draw from. Until then talking to you is like talking to a 5th grader.
jeez I quoted you word for word and you have a cow over the fact that it's obvious you are hung up on racist ideals. Again and again you've said that a person can't be Jewish unless they could trace their line to the tiny blob of protoplasm that became Abraham or Esaw or whoever the fuck you think is your ancestor.

No. I called buck a fake Jew and all the rest of the crap you spew is your own or bucks.

You guys pretty much only talk to yourselves in your little naive bubbles.

And your memory and reading comprehension is rather poor. His is actually much worse.
No. I called buck a fake Jew and all the rest of the crap you spew is your own or bucks.

You guys pretty much only talk to yourselves in your little naive bubbles.

And your memory and reading comprehension is rather poor. His is actually much worse.
No. I called buck a fake Jew and all the rest of the crap you spew is your own or bucks.

You guys pretty much only talk to yourselves in your little naive bubbles.

And your memory and reading comprehension is rather poor. His is actually much worse.
I have never seen you post about anything that wasn't directly related to @UncleBuck which kind of makes you his pet.