Do racists prefer Bernie over Clinton?

Yeah right "moral dilemma", coward ass gringo. I chose infantry over an easier job. So please produce a dd214 before you talk.
It's cool man, low asvab scores like yours are all too common these days. Enjoy the "free" opiates that are killing more Americans per day than tobacco cigarettes.
Courageous enough to play the victim.

Talks so much shit, and when its talked back imma poor veteran. Dig deep gringo, puppies at bottom.
So Robroy, the guy who is opposed to civil rights because muh property, dislikes Clinton...

Muh lol

notice all the "muh..." references in that series of anti-semitic pictures i posted.

try to play dumb about your usage of the "muh" thing now you nazi.

did you come up with that "muh" thing all by yourself, or are you copying it from one of those neo-nazi websites that radicalizes racist white losers?

Lol bunch of pocho cracker victims.
Muh lol

Lol bunch of pocho cracker victims.
Says the klansock who uses Google Translate... You remind me of an angry little gringo who claimed to be an art professor but could not take a decent photo to save his life. Pro tip: don't copy paste the special characters from Google Translate if you're using an English keyboard, jobless gringo.
You talked about it first here, remember? When you said you just got off va disability 2 years ago? This is not a meth forum you know, ppl here are much faster than you.
You seem upset, gringo. You are obviously obsessed with me. Who is your previous sock and why did you get banned?
Says the klansock who uses Google Translate... You remind me of an angry little gringo who claimed to be an art professor but could not take a decent photo to save his life. Pro tip: don't copy paste the special characters from Google Translate if you're using an English keyboard, jobless gringo.
Oh you mean Bob whose wife was Filipino and since he was American you concluded she was whoring for citizenship?

Yes, let's bring up your more racist moments gringo. I'm not bob.

The fact you can't figure it out is hilarious and means grunt was actually your only job offer.
Oh you mean Bob whose wife was Filipino and since he was American you concluded she was whoring for citizenship?

Yes, let's bring up your more racist moments gringo. I'm not bob.

The fact you can't figure it out is hilarious and means grunt was actually your only job offer.
Hi Bobby Zits. Yes by all means, let's talk about that. Please quote me saying it.
You are truly a dumb individual. I watched Bob trigger you so hard that you had your daddy ban him. It was funny.
You seem really upset about getting banned. Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to spread stupid shit to other threads and make fake a quote into a signature. I actually was against you getting banned because you're such an angry little gringo but it was fun to get you so angry like you are now.

Your wife looks about 15. You shouldn't have told everyone that she is a whore especially if it's not true.
You seem really upset about getting banned. Maybe that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tried to spread stupid shit to other threads and make fake a quote into a signature. I actually was against you getting banned because you're such an angry little gringo but it was fun to get you so angry like you are now.

Your wife looks about 15. You shouldn't have told everyone that she is a whore especially if it's not true.
You've got it wrong as usual. But that's not new for you at all you poor oppressed honkey gringo.
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You've got it wrong as usual. But that's not new for you at all you poor oppressed honkey gringo.
Look, it's OK if you are afraid to get banned again Bobby Zits. I like you, aside from the fact that your wife looks like a 15 year old girl. I don't get why you told everyone she is a whore though. Anyway, I hope you don't get banned again so please relax and don't be so angry that you do something dumb like put up a fake quote as your sig.
Look, it's OK if you are afraid to get banned again Bobby Zits. I like you, aside from the fact that your wife looks like a 15 year old girl. I don't get why you told everyone she is a whore though. Anyway, I hope you don't get banned again so please relax and don't be so angry that you do something dumb like put up a fake quote as your sig.
Bob could come back as a perma sock and everyone could openly talk about it just like pinworm, I agree.

I don't even have a sweater. I would never go to a place that isn't in the tropics. You probably don't even have a passport. All this time you've been bragging about a "hot wife" as if that's the yardstick by which you measure your worth and you're married to a whore from the Philippines. It's like the only thing I see over there, a bunch of fat ass Trump supporting American dipshits with Pinay women half their age looking for a US visa.

But really though, I just observed.
I shall. We'll be seeing them for Easter. Who shall I say it is from?
Be safe on the long trip upstairs from the basement to the main level friend. About 12k Americans die each year from stairs in their homes.

That's 36 times more than big scary military looking rifles.

Hope to see you at the March on Washington for sensible stairs regulation soon.

Happy Christian holiday to you good Christian sir though.
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