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no. all things are possible, but some are so unlikely you can call them impossible for general purposes.
they aren't gnomes, angels, mole men, or hawk men. neither are they unmanned government craft. for the most part, they are potatoes we ate that aren't agreeing with us now. they're the left overs of hangovers, the remnants of dmt trips. they're bad vision, hoaxes, tricks, and mostly, more than anything else, they're wishful thinking.
i do believe aliens exist, i just think they probably have never found us, and if they ever did, they weren't that interested.
i honestly doubt many, if any, of them have found faster than light travel. and if they haven't, then they've never been anywhere near here, unless they live a long ass time, and started thousands and thousands of years ago
what you're saying is possible. i don't know anything for certain, we may be the most popular show in the universe. i just doubt it all very highly. i think it's much more likely that if any intelligent life has stumbled across us, they looked, then moved on. i don't see how we can be even close to as entertaining as the rest of the universe.
i believe that it's human arrogance to think the rest of the galaxy even knows we exist. why would they give a shit about us? why do we keep assigning human emotions and motives to alien life? why would they have the same needs, desires, or goals we do? why would they have the same motives we have? why would they have anything more in common with us than we have with zoo animals?
Im not saying we are the shit and everything wants a wiff.. Im just thinking of it from an intellectual prospective... Anything that has achieved interstellar travel is going to want to study and learn about all kinds of life... Not just us... And im not being arrogant either.. Im saying that the numbers game would probably dictate that we may have been discovered.. And i think any alien life would be interested in life.. Look at how crazy we get over microbial life.. And again im not saying they are like us.. Im just saying that it would seem like a huge mkstake to not think that they would study us or put something to watch us at all times someplace... And one other thing..i would say any intelligence would have the same motive as we do when it comes to studying new things.. Like life.. Id say they go on missions all the time to do just that... Mans mission would probably be the same as a lot of races or w e u wanna call them in the sense that we want to keep pushing forward and learn about everything we encounter.. I think that would be the basic emotion of any species that advanced.. To keep advancing.. And we might be somewhat boring to them.. But a lot of things un science are kinda boring.. But the outcome isnt always boring.. Sometimes its groundbreaking... And one last thing lol.. How we send out radio waves and shit to try to find other intelligence.. Im sure they have devices that can detect life much bettyer than that.. They have probably done the same thing qs we are now trying to dobin the past.. Then found ppl.. But id say for an observational aspect they won't want us knowing they know.. That kinda fucks up the study if how things naturally flow
True story. When I was in the Navy I sat in on a top secret seminar given by a sonar expert. Afterwards we were talking and he confirmed that the movie The Abyss is very very real in the way that the aliens are in our deepest oceans. He has been called out to a few sites to try an identify things on sonar that he says are no doubt aliens deep in the ocean.
I had a clearance in the military and worked on a few classified systems.

There were times they locked the flightline down and we were not allowed to see what landed.

I know what I was allowed to see and it really makes me wonder what I was not allowed to see.

I also saw a large triangle ufo when I as a teenager.
no. all things are possible, but some are so unlikely you can call them impossible for general purposes.
they aren't gnomes, angels, mole men, or hawk men. neither are they unmanned government craft. for the most part, they are potatoes we ate that aren't agreeing with us now. they're the left overs of hangovers, the remnants of dmt trips. they're bad vision, hoaxes, tricks, and mostly, more than anything else, they're wishful thinking.
i do believe aliens exist, i just think they probably have never found us, and if they ever did, they weren't that interested.
i honestly doubt many, if any, of them have found faster than light travel. and if they haven't, then they've never been anywhere near here, unless they live a long ass time, and started thousands and thousands of years ago

.. and so soon we differ in opinion! LOL:hump:
Got to head out have a great day folks.
I had a clearance in the military and worked on a few classified systems.

There were times they locked the flightline down and we were not allowed to see what landed.

I know what I was allowed to see and it really makes me wonder what I was not allowed to see.

I also saw a large triangle ufo when I as a teenager.
Correct me if im wrong.. But is it 30 50 or 80 years.. I use to know.. That the military is that far ahead of public technology... Tbh i think if we were studied by a life, our leaders would know most likely.. And they wont say anything because we would be in pure anarchy.. Like the orsen wells experiment on the radio... I mean wtf if it happend for real... But id say the conniving ass gov we have worked out a deal where we get technology for silence... I mean this is a little deeper lol.. But i truly would not put a fucking thing past gov or people with significant power... I was raised that way in a way but experienceing things personally made me the way i am now... And i think anyone who blindly or even doesnt question our and other gov motives to anything isnt using their head
Actually some believe that the bible might be based on interactions with aliens.
A lot of ppl actually... I tend to think this about a lot of religion.. I wouldn't of ever said that 8 yrs ago.. But i mean somethings are just too much more believable than some religious aspects of it for me.. And especially as we keep getting more and more advanced it seems more and more likely
Correct me if im wrong.. But is it 30 50 or 80 years.. I use to know.. That the military is that far ahead of public technology... Tbh i think if we were studied by a life, our leaders would know most likely.. And they wont say anything because we would be in pure anarchy.. Like the orsen wells experiment on the radio... I mean wtf if it happend for real... But id say the conniving ass gov we have worked out a deal where we get technology for silence... I mean this is a little deeper lol.. But i truly would not put a fucking thing past gov or people with significant power... I was raised that way in a way but experienceing things personally made me the way i am now... And i think anyone who blindly or even doesnt question our and other gov motives to anything isnt using their head
Who knows how far ahead the military is. Think of when the b2 and f22 were declassified. I'm sure all kinds of stuff has been developed since then.

There are reports of pilots seeing b2 shaped aircraft in the 30's.

I tried once to get around the sp's to see what was going on. I mean the president landed a couple times and didn't get locked down as much as other times. It really makes me wonder.

The triangle ufo I saw was near a military installation. It had no visible sign of propulsion and was fairly silent and then was gone in the blink of an eye.
A lot of ppl actually... I tend to think this about a lot of religion.. I wouldn't of ever said that 8 yrs ago.. But i mean somethings are just too much more believable than some religious aspects of it for me.. And especially as we keep getting more and more advanced it seems more and more likely
I find it crazy that people believe that its not possible.

I believe in God. Crazy right? I mean I believe in science as well.

Lets look at it both ways. Lets say there is a God. Why wouldn't a god put life elsewhere?

If this is all random then why can't it happen elsewhere?
i believe in a god, i can't really call myself a christian any more, if i ever really could.
and i do believe he allowed life to develop all over the universes. all of them. However,
in my mind, he used science as the means to achieve this. all kinds of life developed all over the universe, to match the environment it was forming in.
it's possible some life developed faster than us, and has made discoveries we haven't. it's also possible they lived in a system that didn't have as many extinction events and have had longer to mutate and evolve.
but curiosity is a simian trait. you can put a box in a monkey cage, and they want to open it. you put the same box in a lion cage, and if it doesn't smell like food, it might be a toy if they notice it, otherwise its a square rock.
you can assign human attributes to alien life, but unless they had some kind of similar evolutionary niches to grow out of, why would they feel the same way about things that we do? want the same things we want? maybe they just don't care about us, unless we eventually pose some sort of threat. maybe they're more concerned with improving their lives than watching the disgusting soap opera that is ours.
I find it crazy that people believe that its not possible.

I believe in God. Crazy right? I mean I believe in science as well.

Lets look at it both ways. Lets say there is a God. Why wouldn't a god put life elsewhere?

If this is all random then why can't it happen elsewhere?
I feel the exact same way.. Raisef in church.. Gmaw was Sunday school teacher.. Went twice a Sunday for 18 yrs... I know about the bible a bit ..but i totally agree he created life in other places... Why wouldnt he... Just kinda makes more sense than not to me i guess... But the military tech thing.. It has a standard time that they tell the public about how far ahead they are.. I cant remember what it is. Nor do i really believe them lol.. But main selling point on the chace aliens might have been mistaken for something holy is you will find basically the same kinda story or stories in do many different religions.. And the main thing about that is its been basically proven that some of the religion that has the same concept as others.. Maybe just diff names or how they were actually told the information.. Has had absolutely no influence from the religions that match the same description as their base beliefs or how they were taught information.. Or how they arrived to them... So i just dont get how so many different cultures came up w basically the same thing and a lot of the time at around the same taking ppl living in the amazon or something that have the same beliefs as ppl in Siberia or something.. And that isnt the best description but basically two cultures that know nothing of the other and a lot of the time even the outside world having the same stories...
I feel the exact same way.. Raisef in church.. Gmaw was Sunday school teacher.. Went twice a Sunday for 18 yrs... I know about the bible a bit ..but i totally agree he created life in other places... Why wouldnt he... Just kinda makes more sense than not to me i guess... But the military tech thing.. It has a standard time that they tell the public about how far ahead they are.. I cant remember what it is. Nor do i really believe them lol.. But main selling point on the chace aliens might have been mistaken for something holy is you will find basically the same kinda story or stories in do many different religions.. And the main thing about that is its been basically proven that some of the religion that has the same concept as others.. Maybe just diff names or how they were actually told the information.. Has had absolutely no influence from the religions that match the same description as their base beliefs or how they were taught information.. Or how they arrived to them... So i just dont get how so many different cultures came up w basically the same thing and a lot of the time at around the same taking ppl living in the amazon or something that have the same beliefs as ppl in Siberia or something.. And that isnt the best description but basically two cultures that know nothing of the other and a lot of the time even the outside world having the same stories...

The reason different religions and groups of people have come up with the same stories through history is astronomy.

They all looked up at the same sky. A sky full of constellations that look like the same things to people.
Correct me if im wrong.. But is it 30 50 or 80 years.. I use to know.. That the military is that far ahead of public technology... Tbh i think if we were studied by a life, our leaders would know most likely.. And they wont say anything because we would be in pure anarchy.. Like the orsen wells experiment on the radio... I mean wtf if it happend for real... But id say the conniving ass gov we have worked out a deal where we get technology for silence... I mean this is a little deeper lol.. But i truly would not put a fucking thing past gov or people with significant power... I was raised that way in a way but experienceing things personally made me the way i am now... And i think anyone who blindly or even doesnt question our and other gov motives to anything isnt using their head
Things like bracelet charms from way back in Egypt have what look to be planes on them. All kinds of little weird things like that make me wonder.
The reason different religions and groups of people have come up with the same stories through history is astronomy.

They all looked up at the same sky. A sky full of constellations that look like the same things to people.
So when they say somebody desended from the sky.. That matches the same description in both religions sometimes.. And that same entity teaches them the same things.. Like agriculture or medicine..and its not just vague descriptions.. Its strange ass stuff that matches w both religions.. That are not connected.. I will say alot of them read thw stars and came up w the same things ..yes.. But its bkt that simple or i would of dismissed it... And how do they know about stars that these people say they came from that we are just recently finding... Its not just reading stars if thats what u meant
What just does it for me are the monoliths and the huge huge huge ass cut stones that are over 1000 tons and were clearly transported up mountain sides and set in perfect place.. We cant do that today.. So how.. I love that stuff the most... And the craftsmanship of some if the carvings.. And the dates that were carbon dated to 1000s of years before Sumerian times..i love seeing that stuff
So when they say somebody desended from the sky.. That matches the same description in both religions sometimes.. And that same entity teaches them the same things.. Like agriculture or medicine..and its not just vague descriptions.. Its strange ass stuff that matches w both religions.. That are not connected.. I will say alot of them read thw stars and came up w the same things ..yes.. But its bkt that simple or i would of dismissed it... And how do they know about stars that these people say they came from that we are just recently finding... Its not just reading stars if thats what u meant

There is language and math based on the position of the stars. Astrology is one interpretation. The Hebrew alphabet is another.

And yes. Different cultures read the stars the same way.
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