Does Veg Time make a difference? Your Opinion..

I have to say,
When I created this thread I knew I'd get many great and some not so great responses; so thank you for this!

Yes, some of you missed the point a bit getting into you're own Grow experience ms and if you have a limit or not.

I was asking just for a singular plant in general. But loved all the answers in sog and screens.

I ask because blueberry is looking amazing and she is 11 months of veg. Technically.

The mother was 4 months old when I took the clone, and the clone was put into flower about a month ago at 6 month into veg. She takes her mothers age and did it well, I am so proud to have a plant almost a year old flowering in my grow room

Her mom put out what it looks like 7-8 oz and she's a bit smaller than her mum. But would make sense if Sheba put out 5-6oz as her true age is 6 m. And she's in a 5 gal flowering.

I've had this obsession on finding the right math to do when you want to estimate your yield. I know it depends on many factors but we can as lease have a base to go off of?

I've been growing only a few years, but have been pretty good with eyeing out an oz or two on a plant.

Keep up this post, keep up the debate because it's alive and no debat is without arguments.
No ones else has touched on quality with a longer veg. Kevin Jordy often compares wine to cannabis and the best wines seem to come from the older vines.
Does anyone think that a more mature plant producers better quality flowers. Not just in strength but in the all round smoking experience?
No ones else has touched on quality with a longer veg. Kevin Jordy often compares wine to cannabis and the best wines seem to come from the older vines.
Does anyone think that a more mature plant producers better quality flowers. Not just in strength but in the all round smoking experience?
I grow from seed every time so I couldn’t give u an answer from my experience but I know some one that says it does get better
No ones else has touched on quality with a longer veg. Kevin Jordy often compares wine to cannabis and the best wines seem to come from the older vines.
Does anyone think that a more mature plant producers better quality flowers. Not just in strength but in the all round smoking experience?
Yes! Was waiting for this to come up!

I do! I believe that in a sense that the buds in my sense and experience are tastier and bigger when I veg longer. :)
How long do you veg?
Does it depend on anything?

I'm so curious because I believe vegging longer makes a stronger plant and able to support bigger buds. But not just veg, but intense training in the branches like main lining.

But I have an experiment going on in my indoor Grow.

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These 4 plants are not trained, not really. I let them bush out and then flipped the switch. 2 months or so in veg with little effort out into them.
I don't think I'll get mugoj as the stems are lanky and let's say not like a tree lol they couldn't handle a strong wind.

Blueberry clone(left) and amnesia ogView attachment 4110558

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Amnesias training, she is going on 5 months and is in flowering same with blueberry only she is almost a year old lol

So what's your opinion on vegging king plus training to make the plant as strong as you can?

Waste of time or worth it?
Yes generally longer veg time will make your plant stronger. Even then though sometimes buds will still get so heavy that the plant still may have trouble supporting them. When vegging a long time I find it better to eventually use larger pots so the roots can expand more keeping the plant overall healthier. More roots helps your plant take in more nutrients and the roots also breathe better. All roots love oxygen. I like vegging longer to get a wider canopy and heavier yield. Cutting the tops not only makes great clones but help keep an even canopy. LST also works great. All strains are different though. What works best for one strain may not work as well for other strains.
I did mention it earlier but everyone must of skipped over it due to 4 plant 400w sog boy and his

All I can say is....i may or may not have been high when i pushed the 4 plant count. That white rhino is something else.

Sorry for the thread hi-jack.


Think of how long plants veg outdoors. If you put them out late do they have smaller buds. Hell I should experiment with my 4 plants outdoors. 2 and 2 different times cured and dried and see if they are different smokeably.
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If you're growing legally and limited by plant count, long veg times, canopy control, genetics, and environmental conditions are everything when it comes to getting those big yields.

You can produce a product just as good with small plants though. I just don't recommend SOG or small plants unless you can legally have a lot of plants and are confined to a smaller area. Otherwise I actually do love the SOG method. especially in hydro. If you have a lot of plants you can almost entirely skip any veg time. Keep mother plants, cut big clones, flower them as soon as they have a decent root structure.
All I can say is....i may or may not have been high when i pushed the 4 plant count. That white rhino is something else.

Sorry for the thread hi-jack.


Think of how long plants veg outdoors. If you put them out late do they have smaller buds. Hell I should experiment with my 4 plants outdoors. 2 and 2 different times cured and dried and see if they are different smokeably.
We may have our wires crossed. I wasn't referring to you in that comment.
OK Flowbee,

Or is it Jorge, or Ed, well whoever you are, I will only learn from you from now on. Can't learn anything reading a bunch of posts from loser noobs, right?


Right Roger! the internet is great, but its got "people" pissing all over themselves and each other. Most of the time missing the point of the op completely.

Who's winning if everybody smells like piss.?

It isn't a pissing match, sorry you felt it got that way. I am being unbiased in telling people the actual facts so that newb or badly informed growers know exactly where they stand. The facts (proven by many cana growers and academic agriculturalist studies/practices) have nothing to do with me personally, I have no personal claim in this topic. It's simply about what is the quickest way to attain the highest yield and that answers the OP question directly. It is then, with the correct knowledge up to the grower to decide how close they want to or are able to get to that optimal. If a person is limited in plant count or setup then that sucks.. but don't go around warping the facts to feel better about ones own limitations.
It's simply about what is the quickest way to attain the highest yield and that answers the OP question directly.

Actually, the question was; "is a longer veg time worth it?"

I feel this thread is a bit like broken tele. And that's so okay becausenits alive and debating.

The paint of this thread was not to get the most in the shortest. I believe a guy has a thread up called "if youonly had 28 days to veg"

That is a time concerning veg time.

I have all the time in the world, and if you want to know my personal Grow plant count, it's up to 50 plants a year; 10/gal day.

I don't have a limit basically and I could veg for two years lol but that I feel would be a waste unless I was allowed to have a marijuana tree lol

Any ways,
It was super cool to read all your thoughts :)

I'll keep checking in
Actually, the question was; "is a longer veg time worth it?"

I feel this thread is a bit like broken tele. And that's so okay becausenits alive and debating.

The paint of this thread was not to get the most in the shortest. I believe a guy has a thread up called "if youonly had 28 days to veg"

That is a time concerning veg time.

I have all the time in the world, and if you want to know my personal Grow plant count, it's up to 50 plants a year; 10/gal day.

I don't have a limit basically and I could veg for two years lol but that I feel would be a waste unless I was allowed to have a marijuana tree lol

Any ways,
It was super cool to read all your thoughts :)

I'll keep checking in

No longer veg is not worth it in your situation compared to what you could yeild if you aim towards 100% biological efficiency.

Yes longer veg is worth it if you want a big yeild of less plants and not aiming for full biological efficiency or max yeild.