Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
So. After a shit day of having dirt blown in my face. And my crap being blown away multiple times. I do get to work through most of this pointless holiday weekend.

Might take a trip down the pub for a fuckin plate of shanks and a brewski. Then get a couple for later.


Well-Known Member
Religion has been good to some parts of society,Paedophiles for example imagine if they didn’t have a place like the Catholic Church that gives them jobs and access to young children then covers up their crimes it’d make being a kiddy fiddler a tough gig but thank god the church is there.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Religion has been good to some parts of society,Paedophiles for example imagine if they didn’t have a place like the Catholic Church that gives them jobs and access to young children then covers up their crimes it’d make being a kiddy fiddler a tough gig but thank god the church is there.
Not to mention having their sins forgiven.
Want to kill a child? No problem confess and be saved.

Been a very bad man? No worries join the crusades and have all your sins before and after forgiven.


Well-Known Member
From memory u had some legal dramas. Hows that working out Noinch and did you find out what tipped them off. (if ive got the wrong person then sorry- I drink..)
Wasn't me thankfully haha

Are these snapper too big Lol
Still taste good smoked
Man I could go for one of those right now, all the pinkies I ever catch are undersize. Seem to be able to catch every sting ray in the ocean though


Well-Known Member
Found this little booger running around in my garden. 20180329_175509.jpgkeepin a compound eye on me buds while I'm away.

Also. I've only just realized I'm over feeding the Colombian with nitrogen. Either that. Or the mystery bean is just a thirsty beech.

As they get the same rate of feed.


Well-Known Member
Religion has been good to some parts of society,Paedophiles for example imagine if they didn’t have a place like the Catholic Church that gives them jobs and access to young children then covers up their crimes it’d make being a kiddy fiddler a tough gig but thank god the church is there.
Don't talk to me about kiddy fiddlers man. I hate those fuckers. Me gramps was a sick fuck.


Well-Known Member
Not to mention having their sins forgiven.
Want to kill a child? No problem confess and be saved.

Been a very bad man? No worries join the crusades and have all your sins before and after forgiven.
Then you’ve got the best one of all “original sin” so your already in debt to god as soon as your born !! That’s worse than the Korean loan sharks at the casino