is the NRA a terrorist organization?

is the NRA a terrorist organization?

  • yes

  • no, they just want people who do gun massacres to be well-equipped to massacre

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You did though. You need your 4wd but the slightest majority of Americans think they are dangerous, and they don't need one, so you don't get one. Since they were developed for the military for war, there is no need for the average Joe like yourself to own one.

Enjoy your millitary assault vehicle for now.
This is silly. Get off the internet then, ever hear of darpa? Jihadist use the internet yet no one is asking the internet to be banned. Military does alot of humanitarian work with the 4x4's also. They arent made for killing..
This from somebody who simply believes without proof or even any facts.

I'm not here to convince you of anything. I appreciate that the summary that the report gave of both sides of the story and allows the reader to decide for themselves. As I said earlier, the conclusion that gun ownership has declined and that gun ownership is a weak minority special interest group doesn't depend on one report.

So, true believer, where are the facts that bolster your conclusions. I don't really care what you believe.

We at least know you believe that 42% is a weak minority.

You are discredited.
Military style assault vehicles are dangerous and you should have proper permits and training to drive one. Jacked up 4wd vehicles are increasing vehicle deaths by the day.

Since freedom to move about from state to state is an individual right and the supreme court ruled that a right cannont be converted into a privilege then logically I would like to require expensive permits for these military style assault vehicles or just ban them outright.

Do you think this is witty? How stupid are you?
This is silly. Get off the internet then, ever hear of darpa? Jihadist use the internet yet no one is asking the internet to be banned. Military does alot of humanitarian work with the 4x4's also. They arent made for killing..
They were created to deploy more troops and supplies more gooder.

For killing.

4wd was made for killing and no other purpose.

Why don't you want to ban these assault weapons?
i am overjoyed with the massive rates of suicide among blacks and american indian males your age.

not only are blacks and american indians failing to reproduce at a sufficient replacement rate, they are even voluntarily offing themselves in the meantime.

all of this is speeding up the inevitable day when blacks and american indians are completely and helplessly outnumbered in this country.

joyous days ahead.

Understand what an ignorant racist you portray to be here judging men by their color only? and you are a white pathetic human btw- like it or not.

you are the racist here, bent on projection so clear now
Of course name calling is the truly witty retort.

I wasn't name calling, those were both honest questions. I want to know the level of stupid I am dealing with. If you take yourself seriously with statements like "4wd was made for killing and no other purpose," then I will have my answer. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet to think that is smart/clever rhetoric.
I wasn't name calling, those were both honest questions. I want to know the level of stupid I am dealing with. If you take yourself seriously with statements like "4wd was made for killing and no other purpose," then I will have my answer. You'd have to be the dumbest person on the planet to think that is smart/clever rhetoric.

4wd assault vehicles were developed to deploy troops to kill.

Assault rifles were developed to deploy projectiles.

I'm sorry you don't like to digest your own logic and I'm glad you agree it's stupid.
Will you live to see it?
Well you are late 30s, white with one newborn and on here all day everyday.

You're liver is pickled by now and you smoke tobacco like it's 1952, so there are suicidal tendencies lurking within thee.
stick to sharpening knives in your trailer and raising other rednecks' kids, psychology is definitely not your strong suit

4wd assault vehicles were developed to deploy troops to kill.

Assault rifles were developed to deploy projectiles.

I'm sorry you don't like to digest your own logic and I'm glad you agree it's stupid.

That is the dumbest claim I've ever read. There is no evidence 4wd was developed for the sole purpose of killing. It's main purpose is transport, like all vehicles, hence why you called it an asault "weapon" and not "vehicle" in the last post I quoted: because your own language debunks your argument.

Again, the primary purpose of a vehicle is to transport, while the primary purpose of a gun is to shoot a projectile. If only you would admit you are being facetious you might have some redeemability. That you continue on puts you on a direct path to complete retardation.
Ar15s are also a stupid caliber to hunt with. 223 is less than sufficient and illegal for deer or moose.
I think the stair and driving arguments approach the ridiculous. Guns, stairs, if these is designed to kill.

And wear your seatbelts geeze.
NRA board member Ted Nugent calls Parkland students poor, pathetic liars with no soul

The level of ignorance goes beyond stupidity. Again, the National Rifle Association are a bunch of American families who have a voice to stand up for our God-given Constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. We have no blood on our hands. No NRA member have ever been involved in any mass shootings at all, in fact the National Rifle Association is the lone organization that has taught firearm safety in schools, and for law enforcement, and for military, and for childrens organizations and family organizations around the country for 100 years. So once again, this poor pathetic individual is a liar.

NUGENT: The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies. I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless. To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul.
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NRA board member Ted Nugent calls Parkland students poor, pathetic liars with no soul

The level of ignorance goes beyond stupidity. Again, the National Rifle Association are a bunch of American families who have a voice to stand up for our God-given Constitutionally-guaranteed right to keep and bear arms. We have no blood on our hands. No NRA member have ever been involved in any mass shootings at all, in fact the National Rifle Association is the lone organization that has taught firearm safety in schools, and for law enforcement, and for military, and for childrens organizations and family organizations around the country for 100 years. So once again, this poor pathetic individual is a liar.

NUGENT: The dumbing down of America is manifested in the culture deprivation of our academia that have taught these kids the lies, media that have prodded and encouraged and provided these kids lies. I really feel sorry for them because it’s not only ignorant and dangerously stupid, but it’s soulless. To attack the good law-abiding families of America when well known predictable murderers commit these horrors is deep in the category of soulless. These poor children, I’m afraid to say this and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul.

your right to bear arms was given by wealthy aristocratic slave owners, not god

and the NRA has ensured that anyone who wants to do a gun massacre is as well armed as they can possibly be so that they can murder as many innocent americans as possible.

citing a pedophile who shit his pants to dodge the draft is not a very great argument. you are failing to convince me
your right to bear arms was given by wealthy aristocratic slave owners, not god

and the NRA has ensured that anyone who wants to do a gun massacre is as well armed as they can possibly be so that they can murder as many innocent americans as possible.

citing a pedophile who shit his pants to dodge the draft is not a very great argument. you are failing to convince me

I don't support Nugent nor the right or left side of politics. I just posted this inside of this thread because it fits the image of how the NRA doesn't give a damn about no1 outside of their circle/way of thinking.
I don't support Nugent nor the right or left side of politics. I just posted this inside of this thread because it fits the image of how the NRA doesn't give a damn about no1 outside of their circle/way of thinking.

you don't support ted nugent, but hey everybody, listen to what ted nugent has to say about these gun massacre survivors!

you are free to cite pedophiles who shit their pants to dodge the draft all you want. but just don;t lie about it, OK?
you don't support ted nugent, but hey everybody, listen to what ted nugent has to say about these gun massacre survivors!

you are free to cite pedophiles who shit their pants to dodge the draft all you want. but just don;t lie about it, OK?

What is there to lie about? what I posted supports the image of what this thread is looking to portray the NRA as being.
We at least know you believe that 42% is a weak minority.

You are discredited.
What? Do you expect people to believe you simply based upon your belief? What are you the pope? Even the pope studies harder than you do.

Convince me, then. Do you believe that the majority owns guns? What is your basis for that? I do hope you can dredge up some facts to support this belief.

Do you believe that 42% is a strong minority? What does that even mean?

You are a simpleton who believes simply because he has nothing else to go on. Not different from other right wingers, though.
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What? Do you expect people to believe you simply based upon your belief? What are you the pope? Even the pope studies harder than you do.

Convince me, then. Do you believe that the majority owns guns? What is your basis for that? I do hope you can dredge up some facts to support this belief.

Do you believe that 42% is a strong minority? What does that even mean?

You are a simpleton who believes simply because he has nothing else to go on. Not different from other right wingers, though.

Well I as far from right wing as I am from far left.

And I think 42% is 42%. One of the polls linked guesses 42%.

What’s wrong with you?