Should i take humidity dome off?


Well-Known Member
You should feed them veg nutes about 200 ppm just wet the rockwool and then leave them alone for awhile. Since they have been under the dome with no vents, if you take the dome off they may wilt so you need to check it often. If they wilt then you have to ween them off the humid air. If so then replace the dome maybe spray inside the dome, not the plant to bring them back. repeat the next day. I see you have air coming in under the dome but they may still wilt so check them in like a half hour then at the hour mark so on itll happen pretty quick if it does. like in a few hours maybe - if they do wilt
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So let's say i take off the dome and it still hasn't wilted by tomorrow would i be safe to turn on the fan? And sorry to back track but @Bernie420 were you saying to mist my plants with a nute solution @ 200 ppm or add nutes to my res @ 200 ppm?


Well-Known Member
So let's say i take off the dome and it still hasn't wilted by tomorrow would i be safe to turn on the fan? And sorry to back track but @Bernie420 were you saying to mist my plants with a nute solution @ 200 ppm or add nutes to my res @ 200 ppm?
didnt even notice you were sitting on a rez.

You have little seedlings, there are no roots popping out of that rockwool, am i right??? You dont need a rez. right now. You kind of got to get roots popping before you do what your trying to do. I said give it a light dose about 200 ppm maybe a little less dont go over though is my advice, to the rockwool not the plant itself. so basically feed it and then let the rockwool dry a little before you try to feed it again but dont let it dry out maybe four days feed it again idk. You dont want the rockwool wet all of the time or you'll get swamp foot, root rot, stem rot shit I forget what you call it. You dont want the base of your stem being wet all of the time. So when these go back into your thing you want the water hitting the roots and not the rockwool. Not the rockwool to much anyways. If you do have roots a poppin then start at 200 ppm of a balanced veg nutrient in the rez. I dont think you do though.

Dont mist the plant if it wilts mist the dome with water so it adds bunches of humidity in the atmosphere in the dome. You dont need a fan right now, if you want to stress them so they get stronger, I seen a video of a guy flicking them gently with their finger to simulate that, just a few gentile flicks. NO fan just let them chill before you try to kill them im joking a fan wont kill them but you dont need it now.

Idk you could add 200 ppm to the rez scoop out a cup of nuted water top feed the rockwool a couple of times with a shot or two real quick on each plant - into the rockwool, take the dome off see what happens if it wilts then put the dome back on and try it tomorrow. You just wont have to top feed the rockwool tomorrow as it wont be dry for a few days for you to have to get it wet again. If it does wilt then you will have to take the dome off for a little while each day so the plant gets used to getting its water from the roots and not the leaves maybe block up the dome a little more each day, idk.
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Well-Known Member
You probably didnt need to put them under a humidity dome since they are from seed but since you did they might wilt just be on the look out. and dont dump a huge light on them right now they hardly need any light
im just freaking out for you cuz I had clones wilt on me cuz I didnt vent it right. damn near lost all of them. I think youll be fine though and you need to start feeding them there's no nutrients in that rockwool
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I really appreciate the advice guys. I checked yesterday and i do have roots hanging about 3/4 of an inch out of the bottom of the RW. I'll post some pics when i get of work today


Well-Known Member
Forgot to include these pics of the roots. Ive got the advanced nutrients trio. Should i just give it some micro (or grow)? And should i add some b-52 and piranha?
go by their feed chart start about quarter or half strength. if you have ppm meter post back with the start and after you add nutes. same with the ph if you have one. Piranha looked like a root product maybe go half strength on that but the feed chart didnt call for it for some reason idk.
What's up guys. Ok well the ladies have been fed and i clean my grow room bc it was starting to look dirty. The ladies are now 10 days old (after germination). I added the dual fan in the pic bc it seemed like it was getting a little hot in the room (I'm getting a hygrometer tomorrow to read my temp and rh). What is the highest and lowest these can be and not effect the plants? Also what is a good temp for tree res? So how do you guys think they look and is the fan ok now?

