Ethos Collective "Zsweet Inzanity".............


Well-Known Member
Next up for me is Ethos's mystery strain............until I found out they put the genetics up on Instagram. It's a sativa leaning hybrid with Durban Poison X Rainmaker (Citral Skunk x Mandarin) x Gorilla Glue #4. Two crops ago I did their Citral Glue (Citral Skunk x Gorilla Glue #4) and it was absolutely excellent. Here is their description on the new seed packet:

"Massive greasy Kola's. Zsweet Inzanity was born to break records. Ridiculous yields of flowers and oils/extraction that will rival any living cannabis plant. Her flavors are too complicated for words. She's LOUD AF (as fuck, anotherwords fucking stinky)."

On the back of the pack it states at least 30% THC, 70 day flowering period and little to no CBD.

So I'm 2 weeks into veg, I'll put up a room pic tomorrow. I'll veg for a month, top once or twice, lollipop the bottom 25% of the plant and let them do their thing. I'm a bit worried already about the smell, since they have warnings in various places about it- but I'll have my Big Blue running full blast as soon as I switch the lights back.

I'll also be testing my sample bottles of PureCrop1 with this grow and more about that coming in the future.
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1 week later, exactly 3 weeks in veg since popping........these are supposed to grow fairly tall, so I won't mind flowering them while they are a bit shorter than normal. Plan on spraying PureCrop1 today, them pinching all the plants back a bit on Thursday..

Another week goes by, exactly 4 weeks into veg. Amazing growth the last week. Time to flower, before some of the plants get too large. Tonight I'll pinch 1 plant, the one in the back right of the pic since it's a beast. And I'll rearrange the room too so now, 10 weeks in flowering and they should ready.

What strain is this?

The mix of genetics sounds like Inzane in the membrane but you mentioned "Zsweet Inzanity." I have 6 seeds of Izane in the Membrane on the way but finding info about the strain is very hard haha.

Plants look great btw!
This is "Zsweet Inzanity", similar to Inzane in the Membrane, but different as yours does not have Durbin Poison in it's genetics. Both strains were released at the same time, and sold out quickly initially. You can see more about them on Twitter in the Ethos Collective thread, but I can answer an specific questions you may have. My first post in the thread gives you Ethos's complete description, etc. But to be sure, both strains use mostly similar genetics and have a high THC level (around 30%) with heavy yield done in 70 days.
I should add in that both have a very high stink level so you need to be prepared........just a single rub up to a plant will release a smell bomb, maybe 9/10 which is very high......mine started stinking early in veg, and are just getting worse and worse in flowering.
So you have grown the Inzane in the membrane as well?

I like a lot of what I see from Ethos but my only draw was to Rainmaker, IITM, Zsweet Inzanity and the Mandarin cookies. His names for the Inzanity line is retarded, I'll prolly re name if I get a keeper and sell. These names don't even hint at the genetics and are too long with weird spelling.

Good luck on your grow, I'll be watching =)
I have not grown the Membrane strain but have grown others i.e. Citral Glue which was great and Mandarin Cookies. I could care less about names, only quality and yield. Only American breeders for me from now on as I’ve had great success my last 4-5 grows from Ethos, Oni Seeds, GreenPoint Seeds, etc.
Few strains from ethos I'd like to try: Forum cut cookies, Mandarin Cookies, Temple of the Dawg and I have Inzane in the Membrane already. After that I have a few strains I'd like to see more about: Banana Hammock (for the color only haha), Zsweety Inzanity (feel like this was part of Inzane Membrane, Quattro Kush.

To be honest he gets a great color to a few of his plants but I do have some criticisms of Ethos. Ethos seems to take a lot of pictures with a flash on, making everything look like its covered in diamonds... Next a few of his strains look like they have or are completely made up of fox tailing, that looks cool in pictures but sucks in real life IMO.
I think you're getting too wrapped up with the pic's from the breeder.......most of them enhance their pic's or steal the pic's from others or mis-represent them totally. It's a collective too, so all their growers are using different methods of growing, different camera techniques, etc. I've found cooling temps is what brings out color in plants but it does nothing for quality overall. My winter crops always have better color than my summer crops because of cooler nights in the room. Quattro Kush will probably be my next Ethos strain after my Wedding Cake #7 (Green Point seeds) which is next.......
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I think you're getting too wrapped up with the pic's from the breeder.......most of them enhance their pic's or steal the pic's from others or mis-represent them totally. It's a collective too, so all their growers are using different methods of growing, different camera techniques, etc. I've found cooling temps is what brings out color in plants but it does nothing for quality overall. My winter crops always have better color than my summer crops because of cooler nights in the room. Quattro Kush will probably be my next Ethos strain after my Wedding Cake #7 (Green Point seeds) which is next.......

Sounds great =)

The pics should represent their product but I know they fudge them up to make sales. To be fair I had a few strain look very close to pictures, like BC God Bud and most of the Moxie strains I ran. I is silly to use BS pictures but what I'm looking at is structure. I should be rec here soon in Oregon and things that shouldn't matter suddenly do... High THC, colors, shape of trimmed buds... To be fair even bud smell is just the same as basing how good it will be on how Instagram worthy the pics are of it... I don't think anyone smelled weed for the first time and just fell in love lol, but they prolly loved their first high.

Anyways, you are right, I try and find grow logs but there is just nothing like that with Ethos that i saw.

I looked up Green point and Oni, what strains have done you well from them if any? You have an eye for Ethos and so do I so maybe there is a common factor in what appeals.

BTW, Moxies Lucky number slevin, I did 3 seeds and 2 were almost 100% purple through the bud... I mean, close ass trim and it was like strait rich purple. The 2 that were purple were shit grows, I mean... wow these pants were like ugly and produced near nothing. The 1 that was not crazy purple still had maybe 25% purple but the buds were huuuuge.

Anyways I have smoked weed like 15x now in my life and tonight is one of those nights, its too late for edibles at 10:30 after soccer... Lucky number slevin it is!!! The, less purple version =D
Green Point Seeds has been getting loads of raves lately, their Wedding Cake #7 will be the first thing I've done from them- that will be started in July. Oni Seeds I did their Purple Punch, another very nice item. Ethos is my go to breeder, I don't think there is anyone better right now. They have access to many elite clones, I always get 100% germination and their stuff is just fire. The Citral Glue was insane, someone tested it out at 29% THC.
Week 4 finished in flowering. Go back to post 4 and see the difference between the start of flowering and now, a month later. Most of the plants are over 5 ft. tall, quite a stretch I would say around 4X. And they stretched into the 4th week, which is really long. Very healthy, easy to care for. I forgot to mention I did lollipop the plants I could reach to make watering easier and increase air flow down below.

I think you're getting too wrapped up with the pic's from the breeder.......most of them enhance their pic's or steal the pic's from others or mis-represent them totally. It's a collective too, so all their growers are using different methods of growing, different camera techniques, etc. I've found cooling temps is what brings out color in plants but it does nothing for quality overall. My winter crops always have better color than my summer crops because of cooler nights in the room. Quattro Kush will probably be my next Ethos strain after my Wedding Cake #7 (Green Point seeds) which is next.......
Hope you didnt start the wedding cake yet. If your not aware why check out the past 30 pages on the gp forum the S1's are no bueno