Dankonomics Genetics

It is. But living well is the best revenge
Anger clouds judgement. I usually have my initial burst, but I cool off and I don’t want any more complications. Anyone who lives like this guy anyways lives grungy. Life can’t be enjoyable ducking and hiding either. I’ve spent half my life doin so, so I know. I don’t duck and hide much anymore though but thanks to legalization because it’s not a stigma like before. This new breed though of mentality is the problem. Easy to spot, anyone who is broke and blames others is a problem. They will screw you over too. I just got robbed and I’m ok. But the guy who robbed me won’t be in a short time. Easy come, easy go.
Anger clouds judgement. I usually have my initial burst, but I cool off and I don’t want any more complications. Anyone who lives like this guy anyways lives grungy. Life can’t be enjoyable ducking and hiding either. I’ve spent half my life doin so, so I know. I don’t duck and hide much anymore though but thanks to legalization because it’s not a stigma like before. This new breed though of mentality is the problem. Easy to spot, anyone who is broke and blames others is a problem. They will screw you over too. I just got robbed and I’m ok. But the guy who robbed me won’t be in a short time. Easy come, easy go.
I got a guy that snitched on me after he got busted selling coke and weed.
He told the cops he had been to my house and seen my grow up, which was untrue and this was enough justification for the police to get myself raided.
The police really fucked up though, because once this douche was in custody he became a confidential informant, whose testimony doesn't carry the same burden of proof as a free citizen. So his claims were never verified by other means like power usage or heat signatures. The case was thrown out of court.
I ended up a free man and I friend requested his ass on Facebook. He has no idea that I know he snitched on me.
It's been 6 years but one of these days he will have to reckon with these facts.
How's that for a cold dish?
I got a guy that snitched on me after he got busted selling coke and weed.
He told the cops he had been to my house and seen my grow up, which was untrue and this was enough justification for the police to get myself raided.
The police really fucked up though, because once this douche was in custody he became a confidential informant, whose testimony doesn't carry the same burden of proof as a free citizen. So his claims were never verified by other means like power usage or heat signatures. The case was thrown out of court.
I ended up a free man and I friend requested his ass on Facebook. He has no idea that I know he snitched on me.
It's been 6 years but one of these days he will have to reckon with these facts.
How's that for a cold dish?
You cold lol. Ive got one very similar too. Said they saw weed growing in my basement but my home didn’t have a basement lol. I went to prison though but not without a fight and my cold words. Which were, you may have won the battle but not the war. I’ll be out in 15 months, I haven’t killed anyone, yet lol ;) , and when they get up every morning and leave their homes, their in my world. We run the streets. They can barely run the jail. They don’t like hearing they aren’t in control. I’d be scared too if I were them. I’ve seen enough violence as is, they expect me to be violent even. But I prefer the reverse. If dude snitched you, he’s aware. He’s playing his games I’d imagine too. Personally I’d rather draw my line in the sand. But if you knew who he was I’d have subpoenaed his ass like I did the next round they tried. That one sure scared them too. The judge said well she’s no cri now lol. Just ri, and that’s to be proven lol still. They put a no contact then. But it was my girlfriend which was even more fucked up. She denied and denied and finally came clean. I rarely talk about that anymore though. That was a dark period for me. It aged me fast, and I’ve had some anxiety issues since too. The bust prior was her fault too, I took the fall though, and she went informant on me for the $ when I was sitting in jail on work release pending my probation revocation on the case so it was straight prison time, instead of 20 years probate. I reversed that aging letting it go.
Livin without having to look over your shoulder constantly is a good livin no matter where you rest your head.
I was starting to bug out after years of it. I had to move where I wasn’t hunted anymore. Which turned out no better really but paying for the privilege. I’ve actually like started twitching and losing control of my mind and developed a nervous twitch even. There’s times too where I lose control of my ability to function. I usually hide myself away which seemed to stop those issues as well as knowing not much can happen to me now. And accepting things for what they are and will be. I still have problems with depression and anger at times but I vent and I try to throw in into my work. I have a basic breakdown at times though, where I cannot barely get myself out of bed. Or do anything. Hendrix I read had the same breakdown. Music seems to help though. But it rains a lot in my head.
You cold lol. Ive got one very similar too. Said they saw weed growing in my basement but my home didn’t have a basement lol. I went to prison though but not without a fight and my cold words. Which were, you may have won the battle but not the war. I’ll be out in 15 months, I haven’t killed anyone, yet lol ;) , and when they get up every morning and leave their homes, their in my world. We run the streets. They can barely run the jail. They don’t like hearing they aren’t in control. I’d be scared too if I were them. I’ve seen enough violence as is, they expect me to be violent even. But I prefer the reverse. If dude snitched you, he’s aware. He’s playing his games I’d imagine too. Personally I’d rather draw my line in the sand. But if you knew who he was I’d have subpoenaed his ass like I did the next round they tried. That one sure scared them too. The judge said well she’s no cri now lol. Just ri, and that’s to be proven lol still. They put a no contact then. But it was my girlfriend which was even more fucked up. She denied and denied and finally came clean. I rarely talk about that anymore though. That was a dark period for me. It aged me fast, and I’ve had some anxiety issues since too. The bust prior was her fault too, I took the fall though, and she went informant on me for the $ when I was sitting in jail on work release pending my probation revocation on the case so it was straight prison time, instead of 20 years probate. I reversed that aging letting it go.
Wow your girl was the informant... That's dirrrrrrty.
I was starting to bug out after years of it. I had to move where I wasn’t hunted anymore. Which turned out no better really but paying for the privilege. I’ve actually like started twitching and losing control of my mind and developed a nervous twitch even. There’s times too where I lose control of my ability to function. I usually hide myself away which seemed to stop those issues as well as knowing not much can happen to me now. And accepting things for what they are and will be. I still have problems with depression and anger at times but I vent and I try to throw in into my work. I have a basic breakdown at times though, where I cannot barely get myself out of bed. Or do anything. Hendrix I read had the same breakdown. Music seems to help though. But it rains a lot in my head.
I feel everything your saying man I have depression too. And ive been betrayed by almost everyone. Music definaltley helps I listen to a lot of lil peep though his music is full of his own depression and insanity it honestly helps me. So much that I play his music every day and have since he passed on 11.15.17 rip Gustav y'all give it a listen i wish I would have sooner before he passed its nothing like what I thought it would sound like based on his name:( I thought he was like lil pump or something retarded and unlyrical like that
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Now that I think about it? If the police show up cuz my dogs are barking, perfect, my house will be well guarded then til I get home too. Thanks Michigan police, doing ya job isn’t always big dope deals or being cowboys and cowgirls. It’s protection of the state of Michigan. However it gets done lol.
Best watch out, cops like to kill peoples dogs...plenty of youtube vids on this.
Best watch out, cops like to kill peoples dogs...plenty of youtube vids on this.
Someone did that in my city this past week. Came in this ladys yard shot the dog (a Rottweiler) 5 times in the head. Then dug the bullets out the ground and tried to cover up the dog with a blanket then left. 2hrs later cause they had no reason to be there in the first place. They are being sued now

Ps they shot the dog in its yard while standing on the opposite side of a fence
Love Hell or Right : You would go through hell to make what you love right. Daily we are given the opportunity to love Hell or Right. It is the crossroad one faces each and every day. When you chose to love Hell, you accept your hellish predicament in life. If you chose to love Right, then you are blessed with the good that is returned for your right actions (Karma = what goes around comes back around/you reap what you sow).
Love Hell or Right : You would go through hell to make what you love right. Daily we are given the opportunity to love Hell or Right. It is the crossroad one faces each and every day. When you chose to love Hell, you accept your hellish predicament in life. If you chose to love Right, then you are blessed with the good that is returned for your right actions (Karma = what goes around comes back around/you reap what you sow).
Karma only has so much bearing imo. It’s a time game. I know plenty of nice people who get screwed and plenty of shitty ppl who screw ppl. In time the nice people still get shafted here and there but you learn. Shitty people don’t learn much it seems, and in time they get theirs. But not always. So the Karma gods pick and choose too.

Someone did that in my city this past week. Came in this ladys yard shot the dog (a Rottweiler) 5 times in the head. Then dug the bullets out the ground and tried to cover up the dog with a blanket then left. 2hrs later cause they had no reason to be there in the first place. They are being sued now

Ps they shot the dog in its yard while standing on the opposite side of a fence
I heard their being sued here in Michigan for killing dogs. My fence is 7ft about. I bred my pup and selected him out of the litter. He is a 200+ lb teddy bear really. He gets aggressive with strangers but he’s not mean. But they know what a gun does. I’d jump in front of their way if they were going to try to shoot my dogs anyways.