Everything MMA Thread

:fire:Al defiantly made a deal with the devil. That's the only logical explanation for him getting the nod over Poirier, Alverez and Lee. I guess he's local and maybe thought he could make 155. I'm all for that bubble wrap idea.
Any 223 predictions?...... Other than Joanna falling into an elevator shaft or Rose getting struck by a meteorite
Since I care very little for most of this card I'll say Ragin Al barely makes it out of the first round then Khabib ends it by darce in the second
Joanna pieces up Rose TKO second round (Polish facelift)
The rest of the card is pretty meh:sleep:
Joanna still talking shit at face-offs, she learned nothing, will get slept or choked out.

I'm taking Al just because it's 11 years since Serra rekt GSP.

The rest of the card is kinda meh now, i was looking forward to Cheisa Pettis (meh but still ok fight) and Al Felder which would have been a banger I think.
This is literally sad af for the sport...I was growing at an alarming rate and then all the sudden the rating started falling off. Now with this 223 bulshit. I think they really invented some craziness almost to boost ratings and get people talking about it UFC again. This is the most unprofessional crazy s*** I've ever seen. Like I said before Dana White builds up Fighters who are on a roll at the time and blows it all out of proportion. Which is fine if they continue to be on top for the rest of their life and perform like a madman or woman but the second they fall off or their head gets too big from all this b******* Fame they come down harder than they could ever expect. It's bad business building people up like that because when they fall they fall hard. He could probably publicize and promote a fighter like Conor McGregor 4 years and years if he done it correctly and didn't act like Connor was part of the UFC decision making committing. He's going to be the next Ronda Rousey for WWE LOL. Hasn't any already been talkin about s*** with WWE. It was like when Ronda Rousey fell off she hit hard and went kind of crazy .if she hadn't bbeen built up like she was a god she would probably still be fighting and actually doing well. Probably still a top contender but no the UFC does not know how to manage they're Fighters correctly yet. Oh yeah I seen something the other day that made me sick Dana was promoting a fight and two fighters got into it he was separating him with his big team McGregor shirt on. What a freaking tool. But out of all this you know who the most sad person on the planet is ...khabib...poor khabib lol
Now Dana is saying Ragin Al can win the title...kind of..? What a fucked up card. McGregor's gotta be coked out. They get rich and everything goes to shit
McGregor is an attention whore. He didn't want to fight he wanted to be on TV. We used to call it dry snitching, starting shit where there's tons of people, security, and cameras so it's guaranteed to be stopped.
McGregor is an attention whore. He didn't want to fight he wanted to be on TV. We used to call it dry snitching, starting shit where there's tons of people, security, and cameras so it's guaranteed to be stopped.
He's too dumb to pull off drysnitching, he ended up with a list of charges... idiot the other guy was supposed to get in trouble or look dumb, now you look extra dumb McConor.

..perhaps he was trying to induce protection order without having to ask for one, force it upon himself with drysnitching antics... well played sir.

I think UFC best for them to cut ties and send him to WWE straight up. I'd like to see McConor fight a few guys still but at what risk? Risk losing how many fights on the only decent card in awhile for maybe seeing him fight, no thank you.
He's too dumb to pull off drysnitching, he ended up with a list of charges... idiot the other guy was supposed to get in trouble or look dumb, now you look extra dumb McConor.

..perhaps he was trying to induce protection order without having to ask for one, force it upon himself with drysnitching antics... well played sir.

I think UFC best for them to cut ties and send him to WWE straight up. I'd like to see McConor fight a few guys still but at what risk? Risk losing how many fights on the only decent card in awhile for maybe seeing him fight, no thank you.
Paul Daley, Roy Nelson, Rousimar Palhares were all sent packing for a lot less.

Imagine if jon jones did this shit.
Any 223 predictions?
Rose by choke late second after she knocks down Jedrzejczyk twice in round 2, then just jumps her back and fights over from there. Jonna then retires then un retires comes back moves up in weight big time and she and Rousy fight a Main event in like UFC 235.
Khabib obviously wins in a bloody street fight 5 round fight via split decision and we will see an epic rematch. probably also UFC 235. Cant wait!!!!!!
I'm not sure why or who I should say I said they don't know why khabib is always hurt or gets hurt. It's because that grinding type Style that he's known for is brutal on people way more than they think. You would think you would be a lot safer on the ground but in my experience being wrapped up on somebody rolling around completely tense having them jerking and trying to get you off of them anywhere which way they can ends up getting me hurt more than any boxing match or anyting like that. Other than an actual street fight. I'll admit I'm no boxer or mixed martial artist but I've wrestled a lot not in competition either just actually wrestling and I've been in a lot of boxing matches and by far those wrestling moments I'm trying to tap people out is where I brought hurt more than anything