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Well-Known Member
Water can curve. Ever see a drop of water in the air?

Gravity holds the water to the earth.

People like retired guerilla try to use gyroscopes to prove the earth is flat. Its the opposite. Its because the earth spins that a gyroscope works.

He also tries to use planes as an example. Like you should be able to feel them flying downward because of the curvature if it were real. That's silly and in fact planes instruments have to correct for the curvature.

Anyways I'm not going to hash it out again. This is about aliens.

I understand your belief, however that does not make it correct, it is not.

Neither does anything grow in a vacuum. whether it's a vacuum chamber or the vacuum of space (try to grow a pot plant in a vacuum chamber, see how it goes)

neither is anything spinning at a thousand miles an hour through static air.

These are simple repeatable facts.

however I could say it forever and you're going to hold your belief and that's fine, but you can't put the genie back in the bottle on truth by repetition against fact.

I noticed a flat Earth read on here somewhere, I'm sure it's delineated well least from one side, one side presents facts and the other presents beliefs and opinions, I've been down that road before, sorry not interested. For me that debate is long over.

Regardless, I would rather talk about aliens and UFOs again too, what do you think they are ?
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Well-Known Member
This is one of my favorites. Unknown flying objects are observed outside a nuclear weapon equipped U.S. - leased airbase in the U.K. on multiple days and occasions. The base commander sends his deputy to find out what the fuck's going on, and he and his party observe unknown objects flying in the sky, and sending beams of light down into the weapons storage area of the base.

I wonder if the tactical nukes stored at the facility were in any way effected by the unknown craft.


Well-Known Member
The seasons change how exactly? Without earth's rotation? It is so stupid as to be beyond imagination.


Well-Known Member
Well, again a reflection of what? My first thought was search beams from a helicopter or something. My LAST thought was aliens, lol. Keep in mind it is a motion sensitive camera set up to capture wildlife at night.

But whateva... here is what you guys really want:

Yep, there ya go.
No no way it's a beam of light from an above source because there is no reflected light on any of the objects in the yard. It's a reflection on some type of glass -maybe an internal lens aberration...because there is no light being cast downward and there is no ambient glow from any nearby objects. Deductive reasoning rules out what it's not. And it's clearly not "in" the yard. It's some type of reflection -source unknown...but clearly a refection...without a doubt.


Well-Known Member
Well, again a reflection of what? My first thought was search beams from a helicopter or something. My LAST thought was aliens, lol. Keep in mind it is a motion sensitive camera set up to capture wildlife at night.

But whateva... here is what you guys really want:

Yep, there ya go.
Our trail cams pick up all kinds of weird shit, but I haven't had anything like that show up yet. My son peppered a few game trails a couple of yrs ago with cams in an area he swears he saw a large black mountain lion/panther. His siblings teased him unmercifully but he is still bound to prove it wasn't a common lynx he saw. No pics yet but he's still trying, lol.


Well-Known Member
The seasons change how exactly? Without earth's rotation? It is so stupid as to be beyond imagination.
The sun has a exact path it follows on a 365 day cycle. During winter North Pole is dark because the suns cycle has it on a path in the deep Southern Hemisphere. Vise versa in the summer. Selenelion eclipses are explained away to support the heliocentric theory as atmospheric refraction changing the geometrical location of the sun and moon. Horse shit !!!! Smoking mother fuckin gun right there jack
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Well-Known Member
I understand your belief, however that does not make it correct, it is not.

Neither does anything grow in a vacuum. whether it's a vacuum chamber or the vacuum of space (try to grow a pot plant in a vacuum chamber, see how it goes)

neither is anything spinning at a thousand miles an hour through static air.

These are simple repeatable facts.

however I could say it forever and you're going to hold your belief and that's fine, but you can't put the genie back in the bottle on truth by repetition against fact.

I noticed a flat Earth read on here somewhere, I'm sure it's delineated well least from one side, one side presents facts and the other presents beliefs and opinions, I've been down that road before, sorry not interested. For me that debate is long over.

Regardless, I would rather talk about aliens and UFOs again too, what do you think they are ?
Facts? No. Its silly belief to believe the earth is flat.

So what a plant doesn't grow in a vacuum. We are not in one. Space is.

Drop a feather and a bowling ball in a vacuum tube and they fall at the same time. Gravity. The reason a feather falls slower outside a vacuum is the resistance to atmosphere.

No proof of flat earth except truth twisted.

Why lie about it? What's to gain?


Well-Known Member
Anyone with any ideas on what this could be? I know we are mostly talking about the fucking flat earth here, but I thought maybe someone would have some ideas:
That's a cool pic and honestly I have no idea what might do something like that.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit, people. So all planets are flat, too? WTF...
Have you seen stars through a telescope? They are shaped like emeralds and jewels. Look on YouTube of stars as seen through a Nokia. P900 or Nikon hell I can't member I'm on that kush anyway it's wild they look electrically charged. They are set in the dome and revolve around Polaris which is stationary and above the North Pole. Operation fish bowl South Pacific 1962. High altitude nuclear testing. The blast site created a aurora as well as in the opposite hemisphere. as it traveled across the magnetic field of the firmament in an instant. The dome was mapped out and it's strength tested. Bishes electromagnetic pulse boo yow
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Well-Known Member
Anyone with any ideas on what this could be?
My guess is the camera got triggered by a large bird, like a turkey, turkey vulture, or some other big dude that got spooked from a roost. The discoloration is just an anomaly of the camera.


Well-Known Member
Our trail cams pick up all kinds of weird shit, but I haven't had anything like that show up yet. My son peppered a few game trails a couple of yrs ago with cams in an area he swears he saw a large black mountain lion/panther. His siblings teased him unmercifully but he is still bound to prove it wasn't a common lynx he saw. No pics yet but he's still trying, lol.
A small portion of the genetic pool of mountain lions are black. Tell em Leave that boy alone,


Well-Known Member
Facts? No. Its silly belief to believe the earth is flat.

So what a plant doesn't grow in a vacuum. We are not in one. Space is.

Drop a feather and a bowling ball in a vacuum tube and they fall at the same time. Gravity. The reason a feather falls slower outside a vacuum is the resistance to atmosphere.

No proof of flat earth except truth twisted.

Why lie about it? What's to gain?

..your putting the chicken before the egg!:hump:

My point is before we were a planet and somehow formed in the spinning vacuum,

.. we were in a vacuum!

.. so how did life form in a vacuum if you've just said above it can't ?

Your experiment about the feather drop has nothing to do with 'gravity'. Think mass and density yet again. The only variable in that experiment is the air resistance has been removed.

As for why they're lying, and what they're trying to hide, some people would be glad to tell you..

But if you're really interested best to figure it out, we each have to make our own decisions about many things as we all know, but it's simple to prove these things for our selves, but perhaps much harder to accept what we find?
-good luck
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Well-Known Member
Let's try to bring this back to aliens and UFOs:

I believe the short greys are basically a manufactured hybrid plant and some other type DNA, perhaps human, insect, reptile (pick one, though there could be multiple combinations). I believe their blood is like a chlorophyll and they don't eat or excrete, they feed like plants through some type of radiation

There is also allegedly a type described as a 'praying mantis', which are usually described as about 7 feet tall and looking like the praying mantis, these are also manufactured and/or bred, and usually in charge of the small grays.
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Well-Known Member
Facts? No. Its silly belief to believe the earth is flat.

So what a plant doesn't grow in a vacuum. We are not in one. Space is.

Drop a feather and a bowling ball in a vacuum tube and they fall at the same time. Gravity. The reason a feather falls slower outside a vacuum is the resistance to atmosphere.

No proof of flat earth except truth twisted.

Why lie about it? What's to gain?
It's to hide God and creation. If they lead you to believe that earth is one of trillions of planets in billions of galaxies in a infinite universe then the idea God and creation become implausible. The earth is not a accident that sprang to life out of the cosmic chaos of the Big Bang. Our realm is of intelligent design. The dome is a clock put there for man to use. It was mastered by the Mayans. They knew we lived under a domed system. They built a observatory that is part of the ancient ruins that lie close to Cancun. You can visit those if you ever go to Mexico.


Well-Known Member
Let's try to bring this back to aliens and UFOs:

I believe the short greys are basically a manufactured hybrid plant and some other type DNA, perhaps human, insect, reptile (pick one, though there could be multiple combinations). I believe their blood is like a chlorophyll and they don't eat or excrete, they feed like plants through some type of radiation

There is also allegedly a type described as a 'praying mantis', which are usually described as about 7 feet tall and looking like the praying mantis, these are also manufactured and/or bred, and usually in charge of the small grays.
It sounds crazy but it's frikin true. They have been here for a longtime. They know how to control time and space. The have an ongoing breeding program with humans as well. I thought it was frikin crazy talk for the longest time. It is 100% absolutely true. The agenda is extremely important to them. And they want it to remain a secret and kept away from the public. They have a "base" on the moon. As well as bases in the oceans and here and there on this planet. They don't want us playing with nukes either. Don't know why. Nuclear weapons or power they absolutely don't want us messing with. I know. Completely batshit loony bin tin foil hat nuts but it's most definitely true. Alot of shysters and hoaxers and quacks in the ufo community. They do a huge disservice legitimizing what's really going on. But something us definitely going on. And that's a fact.


Well-Known Member
Getting harder to separate the bullshitters from the real deal claims these days. Usually the most outlandish claims are bullshit. But there are a handful of cases that are undeniable. The Rendlesham Forest Incident was the real deal. As was the Travis Walton case. You know to this day Travis Walton and the small tree cutting crew he was with has not waivered one bit in the story? Not once. And every one of them passed every lie detector test administered to them to this day. That case is another one of a small handful that's the real deal. You skeptics have every right to be. I was for a long time. But once you start looking into this whole frikin very deep and very strange rabbit hole.
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