Raining hard, should i wait for mold, or pull them all now?


Active Member
I was wondering if I should wait and see which ones will withstand the mold and then again i have to consider how much i might loose waiting. It is coming down pretty hard over here in Santa Cruz, CA. Maybe i should just yank them all. Three are done but could gain weight and I know two of them could go longer for sure. I have been checking daily with my pocket microscope.

EDIT> I have already had two plants mold a little the last week and had to pull 4 colas. (my plants are topped)

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Make a hydrogen peroxide/water mixture in a mister bottle. Spray the areas specific with mold. Let sit for an hour or so, then respray with clean fresh water, and wipe the plants down to prevent mold from occuring again due to wet conditions. I figure they are outside, if it starts to rain again put large garbage bags over them to keep the buds dry...kinda late at the moment, but for next time :)
The peroxide solution will eradicate most fungi, and molds.

If your wondering...yes I like the use of H2O2 cause its natural, and safe for the plants. Natural is better then chemical in my opinion.


Active Member
Yep. Good idea. H202 is best. When it evaporates you are left with H20. What could be more natural.

I actually pulled most of them last night. I left behind my most sativa looking plants. I figure they should be used to the humidity because of their origin.

I had lost a few big tops because the stems broke from the water weight. So i figured take all the heavy guys most likely to mold. I will be checking on the others i have in a further spot tonight or tomorrow. They are all a bit smaller so i hope they won't be broken or moldy.... we shall see.



Active Member
Is the whole plant ruined when it starts to mold? I cut off most of the moldy places and sprayed with H202 the places that look likely to mold also. I am drying the buds that I have pulled along with the moldy parts. Should they be tossed?

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
You can "save" the moldy parts by spraying them down with the peroxide solution if its surface( then an hour or 2 later spraying them with good clean H2O, and wiping them down by hand)...if it seems to go deep within the colas I'd do some surgery...not worth chancing, I haven't had to deal with outdoor crops so I haven't had to worry much about mold occuring like that...humidity control is great!

Don't bother drying the moldy sections to removed, get them away from your good buds...more likely for mold spores to transfer to your mold free buds.

foggymountain...great looking ladies, and nice bud chunky cola's...you think of pruning fan leaves to get more light to the cola's, or pruining lower branches (lolipopping) so more energy is diverted to making bigger buds on the rest of the branches?


Active Member
No never been a fan of killing big solar collectors. I have heard the rumors but i like my big buds to be really big and my small buds to do the best they can. Just a matter of opinion i guess. Good advice with the H202. I like it. I left two at one spot and 4 at another so i may have to use that info to combat fungi in the near future.


Well-Known Member
ive smoked a little mold... who cares you gettin high the mold dies in flame and mold is from theearth just like weed :)

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
No never been a fan of killing big solar collectors. I have heard the rumors but i like my big buds to be really big and my small buds to do the best they can. Just a matter of opinion i guess. Good advice with the H202. I like it. I left two at one spot and 4 at another so i may have to use that info to combat fungi in the near future.
Ya the way I figure it, if I can't save the plant with natural solution's, its too far gone. Not a fan of the chemicals, cause of the stress using them can put on your plant.

I'm going to be testing out lollipoping, and a few other methods to see which works out best for the best quality/quanity, best quality, and best quantity...I'm more about the quality...who cares if you have a lot of milds? I want them kinds!!

Ya H2O2 has saved my plants (yes legal, and illegal plants) many a time, and I'm never worried about how the buds will smoke if I used it, where as with chemicals I would be.