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Well-Known Member
They will never believe it. They are crazy. And people hammer on a belief in God at least that makes more plausible sense. In that the odds of life taking place on earth is so infinitesimal it is hard to believe there was no divine intervention.

I think it is why people strive to find aliens. Anything is better than actually saying yup there was divine intervention. The stars were made by a creator so we could view their wonder or whathaveyou.

But the earth is round and there is proof. Actual scientific proof. But for Aliens there is no proof. Just a bunch of I saw this or heard a guy that saw that. If there were an actual alien Mr Trump would show us all to take the heat off of what is going on in politics.

Now I have to go rip a big vape bag. Work is over for the day and that cheese is ripe :D. God made the herb. hen God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. Woo hoo smoke em if you got em


Well-Known Member
Time lapse video has shown that all the stars rotate around Polaris which is stationary and sets above the North Pole. Also known as the north star the ancients used it for centuries as a aid in navigating the oceans. The sun has a exact path it follows on a 365 day cycle this creates the seasons. Eclipses, seasonal meteor showers and other cosmic events are predictable. Sound like cosmic chaos to you? The heliocentric theory and model you worship depends on perpetual motion which is impossible as is the oceans curving into a 360 degree angle. It defies the laws of physics. Intelligent people with extensive education and culturing don't buy into it. Uneducated, mouth breathing kool aid drinkers do. I mean no harm or offense. I mean it must be true we saw it on tv man and learnt it down at the school house.

I posted time lapse video showing the North Star makes circles and is not stationary. It is just very far away and almost true north of our spinning globe. Also proven by the video.

I didn’t think this would get out of the flat earth thread and have not saved the links to the post.

But it’s an easy click or two away for a credible source.


Well-Known Member
I am going to personally send one of these flat earthers into space tied to the back of a rocket. He/she will have a helm mounted camera and will broadcast everything they see back to their flat earth friends. While zooming into the depths of frozen space they will get a birds eye view of a round blue planet before violently smashing into the side of the mothership that is parked in orbit about 10k miles out. In this way we will kill three birds with one stone. First they will see the earth is round. Second they will see a real alien ship. Third will be the death of a flat earther. Can't get any better than that :finger::finger::blsmoke:

greg nr

Well-Known Member
What would it take to make these people believe that the earth is a sphere?

Would they have to actually go into orbit to believe it? Or would they still claim that something is fake even after actually seeing it for themselves?
Nah, that wouldn't do it. They would just claim it was an optical allusion like some kind of fisheye effect. I say put them on the moon with a 1 week air supply and bring em back in a month.


Well-Known Member
Sextant-Clinometer=A sextant (or clinometer) is used to find your latitude on the spherical Earth by observing the sun or stars.

end of discussion
The data on the sextant is truth mixed with lies troll. The microphone hit the stage because its more dense than air. Globetard.


Well-Known Member
The heliocentric theory and model you worship ..... Who said anything about worshiping? Why would you even go there, other than total 100% narcissism?
It defies the laws of physics. What? No honestly, that is all I can say..
Intelligent people with extensive education and culturing don't buy into it. Quite the opposite. And literally, the opposite is true.
Uneducated, mouth breathing kool aid drinkers do. Now that was rude as fuck.. truly. And again, full of that narcissism you seem so eager to flaunt.
Like others, I am done with you.

If you cannot even answer a question properly, than I have nothing that I could possibly share with you.

What you have done is made up your mind, and closed it permanently. There is no room for discussion at that point.


Well-Known Member
There is a thing called High Altitude Low Opening Insertion in the military. In my time in the Marine Corps, I was lucky enough to do this a handful of times.. meaning..

I have personally seen the curvature of the Earth..

..and you can choose to disbelieve that..

..but I am telling you, I have fucking seen the curve myself with my own two eyes, just like others here have stated already.

<-- this is a HALO insertion training (in Arizona most likely).

The Earth is not fucking flat, Brother.
..It just is not.
Oh so you were at Paris island then. Then you would surely know a fellow by the name of Lester Brinkley? Carlos Hathcock?


Well-Known Member
Oh so you were at Paris island then. Then you would surely know a fellow by the name of Lester Brinkley? Carlos Hathcock?
I am a Westie. Stop Googling shit man.. its sad.

Carlos would slap you if he knew you just used his name. He'd pull that little white feather out of his hat, and stick it right up your ass for that..

Do you believe I am who I say I am now? Or do you need to test me more?

BTW, this is the absolute height of flat earth science and study right now. Just watch this video, and see how amazing they are at recording such a brilliant attempt at research.. (heavy sarcasm)


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
How would you explain the pattern of stars that travel overhead? Or the movement of the Sun and Moon? How can you describe and explain the tides and seasons? How does gravity work for you?

Can you connect your flat Earth theory to any other known, provable, portion of Science and Physics? Or is it simply a few statements, and videos that you watched that swayed you?

Once you go flat Earth, do you keep researching or do you just move on with your life and tell everyone that brings it up how literally uneducated you have become?

Im serious here, and would ask you this face to face. I mean no harm, or offense.. I am trying to understand how one does what you have decided to do.
you can use logic, deductive reasoning, and experimentation to prove the truth, or you can search for insane theories that can never be proven to uphold your own insanity. i guess we're not insane enough to see the truth...


Well-Known Member
It is like the anti inoculation crowd. Dumb as a bag of rocks. I used to say dumb as a bag of hammers but i have a dozen of different sizes and they work good on cars so it is not so dumb.
Dumb as a weeks rain still works. Inoculation eradicates disease and does not cause autism. It is fact.

Aliens made disease anyway.


Well-Known Member
The men at NASA that you worship have even said you must be at least 60 miles up to detect curvature. So somebody is lying.
I don't worship NASA. I believe in God. I also believe the earth is a globe.

I also believe the earth is older than a few thousand years.

Why would god just make earth? That's silly to think he made one planet with life.

Its also silly to think that something like the way earth was made could be comprehended by mans mind and put on paper.

Man wrote the bible and obviously man makes mistakes and intrepets things different ways.

I'm done with it. There are several things that prove the earth is globe.

The only thing posted by you and the other guy are stupid videos that show nothing. A camera on a balloon with a narrow angle lense shows nothing. It shows a narrow perspective.

Either you are beyond capable of learning or a troll. Either way is just a waste of time.


Well-Known Member
total nonsense because he is now mad and lashing out
...Please. I am a retired US Marine. I served from 96'-01' as a 0321 Operator for 3rd Bat., 31st MEU.

Look up what we do. You'll enjoy what you learn about. Like how most Navy Seals are actually trained by Recon Marines in BUDS, as well as many other fun facts that you will inevitably find truly hard to swallow.

See my signature below? That is my custom Rifle from my USMC service. See that little logo on it? Its what we call the bubble and wings. It stands for what we do, as Recon Marines. This rifle is a one of a kind, and you can scour the internet for that picture.. but you wont find it. Because it is my rifle. This means.. I have what you may refer to as credibility.

Now swallow.. that is pride. Its tough to get down, but you just did it.. now move along..

We have other things to discuss here besides you.
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Well-Known Member
...Please. I am a retired US Marine. I served from 96'-01' as a 0321 Operator for 3rd Bat., 31st MEU.

Look up what we do. You'll enjoy what you learn about. Like how most Navy Seals are actually trained by Recon Marines in BUDS, as well as many other fun facts that you will inevitably find truly hard to swallow.

See my signature below? That is my custom Rifle from my USMC service. See that little logo on it? Its what we call the bubble and wings. It stands for what we do, as Recon Marines. This rifle is a one of a kind, and you can scour the internet for that picture.. but you wont find it. Because it is my rifle. This means.. I have what you may refer to as credibility.

Now swallow.. that is pride. Its tough to get down, but you just did it.. now move along..

We have other things to discuss here besides you.
Thank you for your service.

There is a veterans thread here too where us veterans shoot the shit.

I was in the AF. I was an engineer.
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