Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
well may as well take the grow down then it got 2 48 for the white widow that did fine any thing wrong with ot was user error not temps n shit I dam sje cant afford ac and iv neen told by good growers in thisnthread that I wont need ac if I have proper ventalation
I’ve had rooms that would regularly hit 40 degrees and still pulled decent numbers from them but it’s far from ideal and your always at risk of issues. In any room I like to be able to do a full air exchange every 2 minutes but a hot room I like to be able to do it every minute so I usually run 300 or 315mm exhaust fans and 200 inlet fans aswell as circulating fans.


Well-Known Member
im gunna put one in tje raised bed maybie one of the swogs how mutxh bigger use rekon it will get maybie if I tie it down or something im gunna have 2 fet a shade xloth n stuff I rekon I could hide a small one in the back


Well-Known Member
Iv got a 6 inch Im im not sure how mutch it doas but the sides bow in im gunna be getting a new tent soon tho I think if I got tje hole in rje dlor done and some proper ventaation I have a feeling im foing to be watering these plants every 5 mins when tjere bigger hopefully the summer weather eases soon I think eather way im gunna be watering alot still gunna be worth it when I win tho lol hows everyones plants so far I dont really xare if I win tbh aslong as I learn something


Well-Known Member
still tho if I can become a decent grower in the conditions I dace then I should go good in ideal conditions eatjer way smoothnseas dont make good sailers