I believe that today is the correct time to post the timeline of my application...
I was scheduled the last week of January for a routine blood draw for A1C... and had a discussion with the PA that I see about requesting the physician to submit the doctor's portion of the application based on numerous diagnostics in my record... she stated that he would consider my request... at the close of business on Friday, one of the clinic nurses called to tell me that my application was signed and going out in the last mail of the day.
I contacted the fingerprint service that my former employer used, and got an appt scheduled...
I went to a local Walgreens for a passport photo.and a color print of an image of my IL drivers license...
At this point... I began having problems uploading docs to the state website...
So,I purchased a PO money order, and picked up a Priority Mail envelope...
After my fingerprint appt, I walked from the courthouse to the post office, and paid for my package to Priority Mail to Springfield...
From there I found this forum discussion... here is the timeline after mailing.
2/13 mailed package
2/15 tracking stopped moving at second USPS facility in Springfield
2/23 USPS reply via email... image of my Priority Mail at sorter... probably moved to tub of mail for IDPH without delivery scan
3/9 email IDPH and got reply that app was received and will be processed in order of receipt
I checked the USPS inquiry system numerous times but no info regarding money order being cashed...
Today I checked the IPDH online application pages... and I am listed as a Qualifying Patient... no notification of approval or printer.