Thinking solar power/batteries/d/c current


Well-Known Member
Been dreaming of a 12 to 48v offgrid style solar powered indoor set up.

I actually think it is feasible, expensive but possible

Hypotheticaly i will use a 1000w system for an example

I know you can get 12v to 60v 5w (possibly higher wattages i havent resrearched) leds, use these to build a light pannle equivalent to 1000w

Sorce d/c fans and ect

Iv got an ebike and the battery is 48v 20amp, i know this is roughly 1000 watt hours (meaning it will run 1000w for an hour). Being lipo ion you can use all the power stored without damage or voltage drop. You will need 18 of these to run a 48v 1000w set up 18 hours and one maybe 2 more to run fans and ect, you will need to tripple that for back up power incase of cloudy days.

Hook this up to a 48v solar regulator made for lipo batteries (there out there) hook that up to the equivalent numbrr of solar pannles to charge the batteries in half of your shortest day (meaning double the amount solar panels normally needed, should give you the extra charge needed on cloudy days to keep you 100% out of trouble).

Why not just use an d/c to a/c inverter you ask..... because you lose power during converting meaning you need extra batteries, take that out of the equation and you get use 100% of the current used

Why 48v? You can store more power (watt hours) in a 48v battery than you can with 12v

An there you go probably be like 5 to 10 grand build, but with power prices these days........
Get a powerwall from tesla.

Im not 100% but pretty sure its just a battery bank (with some fancy batterys) and inverter. Great for house hold use running A/C current

Probably be better off to look into the type of battery testla use or were they sorce there batteries from or use something similar maybe.

Its all hypothetical, if i had the $$$$ i would be half way through a grow with the idea posting pics lol

I just feel its actually possible and reasonably within in reach for some altho expensive.
I always thought it would be pretty sweet to run a off grid op with a combination of solar and wind but I never actually researched what it would take and how much the initial investment would be. Are you taking hvac into account with your power estimates?
These batteries are not cheap. I do maintenance on 250,125 and 48 v backup batteries/dc supplies for transmission stations. They use led calcium batteries that weigh approx 200 lbs each. They are cheaper and if kept in a good environment will last 20 years. Just food for thought
These batteries are not cheap. I do maintenance on 250,125 and 48 v backup batteries/dc supplies for transmission stations. They use led calcium batteries that weigh approx 200 lbs each. They are cheaper and if kept in a good environment will last 20 years. Just food for thought

Yeah the lipos are expensive, think i paid like $300 for my ebike battery. But you do get to use all the charge without voltage drop like you do with lead, with led batterys you would have to double up again as well. If you use more than half charge on a led battery to many times you kill it

If you do a little reaseach on ebike lipo battery building you will find its extremely simple and easy and reasonably cheep too.
I always thought it would be pretty sweet to run a off grid op with a combination of solar and wind but I never actually researched what it would take and how much the initial investment would be. Are you taking hvac into account with your power estimates?

Probably a really dumb question but wtf is a hvac?
Heat ventilation air conditioning

Yeah probably a couple hundred watts depending on extraction&booster fans

Air con would be more $$$$ but im sure there are off grid options available

If was me tho i would use it more so in the off season (autumn, winter so no need for air con) and starting plants off for the beginning of spring
Yeah probably a couple hundred watts depending on extraction&booster fans

Air con would be more $$$$ but im sure there are off grid options available

If was me tho i would use it more so in the off season (autumn, winter so no need for air con) and starting plants off for the beginning of spring

Could always use geothermal for cooling. Then you only really power pumps and fans.