Because maybe you're talking about a troll "god?" There's "God" and then there's the Abrahamic troll god. Did you know that the god of the Bible isn't just one god but many? There's a reason why the Abraham's god says, "I am a jealous god, you shall have no other gods before me." Also, why god is called Elohim, which should translate as the "pantheon of gods."
The Israelites most assuredly knew other gods existed, but their god was spoilt. Christians and Jews aren't really monotheistic, they're Henotheistic: is the worship of a single god while not denying the existence or possible existence of other deities. Friedrich Schelling coined the word, and Friedrich Welcker used it to depict primitive monotheism among ancient Greeks.
Anyway, just because one of the most famous gods out there is a troll, is no reason to give up with a spiritual life, thinking there's nothing and being an atheist. That god is wrong and evil, or became so out of delusion from this universe's Maya (illusion). For more information go look up what the gnostics thought of what's called a "Demiurge."
So forgot that troll. Find out the real truth for yourself, and don't take the word of a troll or his cult followers.
Namo Amituofo!