But I don't believe that using the term medical grade is nothing more than a way to distance medical use from recreational use (unless of course a dispensary is calling their schwag medical grade, then it most certainly is).
Even the worst ditch-weed mexi redhair, CAN treat a patient in need, thus becoming 'medical marijuana' this might be low grade, but still would be LOW GRADE 'medical grade marijuana', right?
Look we can break it down and try to package it any way we want to for the general public, but come on now, good cannabis or bad cannabis it's all still cannabis and has medicinal qualities.
Sometimes all this political correctness gets out of hand. Next thing you know, cops are gonna pull med patients over and start inspecting the so called personal use baggies and having to decide if it is "medical grade" or not, cause if it's ditch weed, they have to confiscate that crap. Even worse, since it's not 'medical grade' the only use for it is, OMG... recreational use!!! So now a patient in possession of recreational use MJ can be arrested because no patient would use such low grade stuff to treat themselves.... So always carry around the medical grade.
Medical Marijuana = high $'s, in high demand, less stigma attached to name
Ditch Weed = bulk pricing, nobody WANTS it, bad reputation
Marketing has paid off, don't believe me? Try this one:
Walk down the street and ask a stranger what their views of marijuana are, whenever you come across a person with a negative view on MJ ask a second question about their views on 'medical marijuana', I am willing to bet right now, right here that you will get more people to backtrack on their negative views than continue on with them:
'Oh medical marijuana is OK, but they shouldn't allow it to be outright legal, no that's bad for you, BUT sick people should be able to get medical marijuana'

Bad for healthy people but ok for sick people....