Trump's Wag the Dog Moment; Syrian chemical attack was a false flag!

Why would the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor when the aircraft carriers were "conveniently" absent?

Why did the US Navy "conveniently" have their obsolete battleships all lined in up a perfect row? And why was the so called damage to most of them not so great to prevent them from being repaired?

Why would the Army Air Force have their planes lined up rather than dispersed despite the so called "war warning"?

Why would admiral Yamamoto, who was educated in America and knew the Japanese could not beat America in the long run, consent to such an attack?

It's because the whole thing was a false flag to transfer power and money to the Banksters while simultaneously establishing Japan as a base to surround the peace loving Soviets.

It's so obvious. All you have to do is look at who benefits!
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More hard evidence. A few of us critical thinkers are totally aware of this Bankster plot.



Damn you (((FDR)))! Damn you straight to Zionist Hell!
No, there aren't. That's what I'd coming out.

This is just another episode of manufacturing consent, like the Gulf of Tonkin or WMD in Iraq.

You can't think for yourself, it you would be asking questions like, 'why bomb civilians with chemical monitors?' 'Why would the United States bomb that same sites only a few days later, BEFORE OPCW inspectors arrived?' 'Why do these attacks only happen when Assad is winning and the US is announcing its departure?'
There were some very compelling interviews on NPR yesterday morning from the people who were there and exposed to chlorine gas during an Assad air raid that was also illegal and a war crime. There is too much evidence against Assad to disregard if one is able to listen or read objectively.
Funny how so many people who were there say otherwise, including medical professionals.

You're a good boy, you believe what you're told to.
Cite the article where "medical professionals" are saying the people coming from Duma with their lungs burned out are suffering from something other than an attack with a chemical weapon. People are in hospitals in Northern Syria they can be examined. Cite the article that says they are suffering from food poisoning or something ordinary.
There were some very compelling interviews on NPR yesterday morning from the people who were there and exposed to chlorine gas during an Assad air raid that was also illegal and a war crime. There is too much evidence against Assad to disregard if one is able to listen or read objectively.
But the clever homework-doing different-thinkers believe that if one can bring up any questions about something, it must be false. Then, if they can find yootube videos or comments to echo the sentiments, they will swallow it hook, line and sinker while patting themselves on the back for "seeing through" the MSM.

Seriously, watch this video - even for just a few minutes and then read the comments. I imagine a supervisor in St. Petersburg mobilized a whole troll battalion to leave comments on specific points. If you are not very bright, it is very compelling, right @ttystikk?

"Why isn't the window broken?" AH HA!!!! Why isn't it broken? WHY?????

"Why do you believe what NPR spoon feeds you when is telling the truth?"
You're exactly right. That's the problem with what the politics section has become. It's too toxic to have any semblance of a real discussion that tackles issues because of people's personal drama. It's a room where people's sole motivation is to come to to argue. Sometimes I'll think of posting something political here, then remember there's no point to it anyway. There's no real moderate or conservative opposition since all of them left after dealing with the same thing for years. Now there's no actual substantive left leaning opposition either because we've all pretty much accepted the same thing and moved on to other forums. People here aren't looking for solutions to actual problems, they're looking to confirm their biases and argue logical fallacies
Disagreeing with you isn't the same as being toxic.

"Looking" for logical fallacies. LOL.

I do look for logical fallacies. That's a red flag that a person is either bullshitting or has been fed bullshit.

As far as "modererate or conservative" opposition is concerned, we have you and tty to represent them. You take their logical fallacies and re-spin them here all that time.

Witness this post where tty is taking signals from Breitbart and their messenger who poses left, Sanders:

We were already there. Another gift from Obama.

“The business model, if you like, of the Democratic Party for the last 15 years or so has been a failure,” Sanders started, responding to a question about the young voters who supported his campaign. “People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Barack Obama, who won the presidency in 2008 and 2012.

He was obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Democrats have lost about 1,000 seats in state legislatures all across this country.”

This dog can hear the dog whistle very clearly in that comment. Oh and Obama IS "an extraordinary and brilliant guy."
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The Internet should have empowered people at every level. But the Russians saw it for what it really is - a direct pathway to influence the fat, lazy, egotistical, self-important minds of most Americans. It may end up being the death of democracy. Authoritarian regimes have a huge advantage in that they attack us at will while their own people are largely "protected" from information. They were already skilled at this and we ended up giving them the keys to the front door.

Trump "got it". Or at least someone steering Trump.

Overcoming this is the great challenge to democracies today. I am not so sure we will survive it in the short term.
Why would the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor when the aircraft carriers were "conveniently" absent?

Why did the US Navy "conveniently" have their obsolete battleships all lined in up a perfect row? And why was the so called damage to most of them not so great to prevent them from being repaired?

Why would the Army Air Force have their planes lined up rather than dispersed despite the so called "war warning"?

Why would admiral Yamamoto, who was educated in America and knew the Japanese could not beat America in the long run, consent to such an attack?

It's because the whole thing was a false flag to transfer power and money to the Banksters while simultaneously establishing Japan as a base to surround the peace loving Soviets.

It's so obvious. All you have to do is look at who benefits!

What an absolute shit attempt at sarcasm.

Absolutely disgraceful to those who lost their lives in an attack the US knew was coming.
What an absolute shit attempt at sarcasm.

Absolutely disgraceful to those who lost their lives in an attack the US knew was coming.
Uh huh. Disgraceful. I should have made a therad about David Hogg. Don't let history get in your way.
Ya sweetie, that happened along time ago... had nothing to do with Russia.
So you say. But you are an idiot.

Also, I am not into you so please refrain from coming on to me.

Just be happy with getting a like from Shitstikk.
The Internet should have empowered people at every level. But the Russians saw it for what it really is - a direct pathway to influence the fat, lazy, egotistical, self-important minds of most Americans. It may end up being the death of democracy. Authoritarian regimes have a huge advantage in that they attack us at will while their own people are largely "protected" from information. They were already skilled at this and we ended up giving them the keys to the front door.

Trump "got it". Or at least someone steering Trump.

Overcoming this is the great challenge to democracies today. I am not so sure we will survive it in the short term.
The propaganda didn't turn people who weren't already thinking that way.

tty and pad were already unlikeable, insecure white men who had failed and were looking for a scapegoat.
Uh huh. Disgraceful. I should have made a therad about David Hogg. Don't let history get in your way.

So you say. But you are an idiot.

Also, I am not into you so please refrain from coming on to me.

Just be happy with getting a like from Shitstikk.

Don't post bullshit and I won't have to correct your dumbass.
What an absolute shit attempt at sarcasm.

Absolutely disgraceful to those who lost their lives in an attack the US knew was coming.

You are still smarting over how easily we clubbed the Russian economy with a few sanctions, aren't you?

Rusal lost 50% of its value in two days. Stoppered the mining industry in Russia too.

Our democracy has always looked like a wreck up close but it's always managed to correct itself when necessary. As in the blue wave coming to DC this November.
The propaganda didn't turn people who weren't already thinking that way.

tty and pad were already unlikeable, insecure white men who had failed and were looking for a scapegoat.
I know. It isn't Russia's fault and they are not alone. I blame the idiots who provided a fertile ground. The ones who see the imperfections in our "democracy" and condemn the whole fucking thing. Yep, our lovely Constitution talked about the rights of all men while counting a black man as 60%, I know - it sucked. And there are still huge problems. One of the endearing traits of it is that it guides a society that is willing to admit these shortcomings and still strive to fix them without becoming a radicalized little bitch about it and giving succor to those who have never had good intentions.
I know. It isn't Russia's fault and they are not alone. I blame the idiots who provided a fertile ground. The ones who see the imperfections in our "democracy" and condemn the whole fucking thing. Yep, our lovely Constitution talked about the rights of all men while counting a black man as 60%, I know - it sucked. And there are still huge problems. One of the endearing traits of it is that it guides a society that is willing to admit these shortcomings and still strive to fix them without becoming a radicalized little bitch about it and giving succor to those who have never had good intentions.
I've been listening to various voices who post here. The hard liners -- Anarchists, Anarchocapitalists, Hard right wingers, libertarians, so-called Progressives - all have one thing in common. That is: they subscribe to an ideology as if it were the answer. Yet, whenever a pure ideology is put in place, it's a disaster.

I'll take our messy democracy, thankyouverymuch.