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I seem to think that a highly technical craft like the ones we are speaking of would have multiple means of propulsions...sorta like a backup... maybe not all of them but some they can make use of the magnetic fields in one means..another might take advantage of gases that are present in an area ...or like the cases where UFOs are sited during natural disasters.. earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, ..maybe they can make use of the energy being released..but iv always thought they were seen at those times to simply observe imo...I'm trying to think of a carbon source that could be used for a long time in a small amountt..but hell. It's so hard to speculate on that
Right!?!...I mean if they are going to intentionally cover up information..then give it to us,etting us know it is being held from us..wouldn't that just make the public think..umm..what are they withholding that we have no idea about ...I mean like information we basically have no way if even knowing..idk..just seems to defeat it's purpose imo
America needs a FOIA with teeth; those who redact info need to justify why it must be withheld, and covering up corruption and malfeasance must not only not qualify but those who would take part in it need to be prosecuted as co conspirators.

That rabbit hole goes a lot further than this conversation, however.
I seem to think that a highly technical craft like the ones we are speaking of would have multiple means of propulsions...sorta like a backup... maybe not all of them but some they can make use of the magnetic fields in one means..another might take advantage of gases that are present in an area ...or like the cases where UFOs are sited during natural disasters.. earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, ..maybe they can make use of the energy being released..but iv always thought they were seen at those times to simply observe imo...I'm trying to think of a carbon source that could be used for a long time in a small amountt..but hell. It's so hard to speculate on that
The carbon is the suspected ejecta for an ion drive, according to the report you linked to. The atoms of carbon are accelerated to speeds orders of magnitude higher than the exhaust of a chemical rocket so much less material is needed. But that isn't the power source; that's what the power source is acting on.

What other means of propulsion such craft might have is pure speculation, simply because there isn't any evidence to work back from.
I truly believe we live in a rabbit hole friend...once a lie begins..the only way to explain them away are more and more lies...and when so many things are done that this country doesn't want to be accountable for...actually the whole are basically getting revised and cleaned up lies in basically everything someway or another..I honestly think if an alien race who were respectful and thinking of the interest of the ppl of the planet by not wanting to make it public all the sudden so people wouldn't lose their minds and they very well would...the world would literally be turned upside down...but I think an alien race who would signal our leaders without making it known to the earth as a whole would be suppressed ..and has been .. intentionally of course..I think the government and the world tyrants want their superior lives left alone..and the things they would bring to the table as far as advancing us would be ignored ..UNTILL they can control it for personal gain somehow..if that is not possible it will not be given to us..
I truly believe we live in a rabbit hole friend...once a lie begins..the only way to explain them away are more and more lies...and when so many things are done that this country doesn't want to be accountable for...actually the whole are basically getting revised and cleaned up lies in basically everything someway or another..I honestly think if an alien race who were respectful and thinking of the interest of the ppl of the planet by not wanting to make it public all the sudden so people wouldn't lose their minds and they very well would...the world would literally be turned upside down...but I think an alien race who would signal our leaders without making it known to the earth as a whole would be suppressed ..and has been .. intentionally of course..I think the government and the world tyrants want their superior lives left alone..and the things they would bring to the table as far as advancing us would be ignored ..UNTILL they can control it for personal gain somehow..if that is not possible it will not be given to us..
I'd love to disagree with you but I've seen too much evidence of human nature.
I would speculate that whatever they use is something that can easily be accessed throughout space..something that never runs out.. doesn't need to be mined or anything of's either something we have known about for a long time but haven't been able to exploit or something we have no idea or very little about..imo..I like the magnetic theories
If humans can be made to wipe out their fellow man.. without it bothering them..and all while feeling justified in doing so...I don't see why people don't think the masses can be made to think that aliens are a crazy far out notion while evidence is all around us ya know
I would speculate that whatever they use is something that can easily be accessed throughout space..something that never runs out.. doesn't need to be mined or anything of's either something we have known about for a long time but haven't been able to exploit or something we have no idea or very little about..imo..I like the magnetic theories
Everything runs down, including nuclear power plants and the stars themselves. It just needs sufficient range and payload capacity...
Everything runs down, including nuclear power plants and the stars themselves. It just needs sufficient range and payload capacity...
Right, everything that we know of runs out or down like u said..I realize that..but I'm talking of a source that will last for longer than we can fathom..or a source that can be easily recreated all while not having negative effects on the surrounding area or a very minimal one
Right, everything that we know of runs out or down like u said..I realize that..but I'm talking of a source that will last for longer than we can fathom..or a source that can be easily recreated all while not having negative effects on the surrounding area or a very minimal one
I'm telling you that such extreme longevity isn't necessary.

It needs to have high output and reliability.

Then it needs to offer a system that's fast- FTL fast.

It doesn't need to last forever if it can do that.
I often wondered about sound..sound can be used to do so many things..I'm wondering if it could someone be contained so if it would be terribly loud it wouldn't be an issue..but it doesn't necessarily have to be contained in all instances..I know that seems far out but after seeing some of the crazy things that have been proven to be done by sound alone I just find it interesting..also all the things that have been spoke of by ancients with using sound sparks my curiosity... levitation on a large scale mostly
I often wondered about sound..sound can be used to do so many things..I'm wondering if it could someone be contained so if it would be terribly loud it wouldn't be an issue..but it doesn't necessarily have to be contained in all instances..I know that seems far out but after seeing some of the crazy things that have been proven to be done by sound alone I just find it interesting..also all the things that have been spoke of by ancients with using sound sparks my curiosity... levitation on a large scale mostly
Sound is vibration through a working medium. I don't think we've got that anywhere near all figured out yet. That said, it won't work in space.
I'm telling you that such extreme longevity isn't necessary.

It needs to have high output and reliability.

Then it needs to offer a system that's fast- FTL fast.

It doesn't need to last forever if it can do that. doesn't need to last forever..I'm not saying it needs to..but I think the most advanced races would have something that they will always be able to rely on it easily be able to recreate...I always picture the way the speed would be gained from a magnetic propulsion vehicle would somewhat resemble twisting up a pencil in the middle of a rubber band..bad example but u get it..once it had been built up it us released...I mean if you could figure out how to create something like that you could make something that can make the magnetic field in the craft stronger thus making more energy to be released
Sound is vibration through a working medium. I don't think we've got that anywhere near all figured out yet. That said, it won't work in space.
Why wouldn't it work in space..if your craft is making the sound and is containing it inside the craft somewhere..I'm really asking .. not being a smart ass .lol I mean I'm taking about a sound propulsion vehicle for Christ's sake lol
Why wouldn't it work in space..if your craft is making the sound and is containing it inside the craft somewhere..I'm really asking .. not being a smart ass .lol I mean I'm taking about a sound propulsion vehicle for Christ's sake lol
For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction.

If it's contained in the vessel that's fine, but that vessel isn't going anywhere.
For every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction.

If it's contained in the vessel that's fine, but that vessel isn't going anywhere.
Well I Guess I should say complete containment..I guess it would have to have a "sound exhaust" lol has been stated by some pretty high level gov officials that they believe multiple races if aliens have been visiting the the earth...the "tall whites" are very interesting to me..sounds like what Hitler was looking for lol..but iv always thought that the earth has had an advance human race of some kind ..a very long time ago..or something with more intelligence than us has been here...I'm kinda thinking these tall whites could be them...maybe coming back to see the home land..its kinda crazy to think of but I like exploring all kinds of theories about information spread on aliens...the government officials that mentioned these races def mentioned the tall whites...have u ever thought of anything like this.. or came to a theory on why they are visiting.
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