Cant trust trust anyone


Well-Known Member
Well last night i got pretty drunk and smoked some hash so i was feeling pretty good. Im in college and live with 5 other guys, only one was here last night. I left my room unlocked because these guys are all friends and i trust them. Well i come back later in the night and my doors open, beer is gone, and my bubbler is missing. The thing is, i hide my pieces very well and the only reason he could know where it was, was if he was burning with me. Which I have done with him.

I confronted him lst night and both me and my other buddy thought that he was sounding really sketchy when he was trying to say it wasnt him. Now I wake up this morning and i hear people talking about how he got a new bubbler. So im almost 95% sure it was him. What would you guys do in this situation?


Well-Known Member
Only if your 100% positive this guy took your shit, smash the fuck right in his face with the fucking thing. Let it be know your cool, but your not a a fucking pushover. Lay his ass out with whatever, he deserves it.


Well-Known Member
Tell him you heard he has a new bubbler and ask to see it. :roll: If it's yours, take it back. No need for any violence, just make sure to spread the word to everyone how he ripped you off.


stays relevant.
Only if your 100% positive this guy took your shit, smash the fuck right in his face with the fucking thing. Let it be know your cool, but your not a a fucking pushover. Lay his ass out with whatever, he deserves it.

Yeah real smart, commit a violent crime in response to his petty theft... The answer is don't hit him, take the piece back and kick him out of the pad for good.


Well-Known Member
That's the problem, let him get away shit like that. Yeah it's petty, but pretty soon bigger things happen. Violence? Didn't this prick ask for it? Seriously, I don't think having him come over to ask if he took it, then having a group hug and singing Kumbaya solves shit. And don't judge me. skiskate asked, I responded.

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
throat chop followed by a good talking to. better than a shot to the face anyday. he has to listen to u while he's catchin his breath like a mf.


Well-Known Member
He told me that he didnt get a new one, and i dont think laying him out would be the best idea. I really dont feel like getting an assault charge over a bubbler.


Well-Known Member
can I ask ski, how do you think you'll catch a charge?
I mean how can you catch an assault charge, unless you do something stupid to get caught..


Well-Known Member
You see this is the time to beat him, i would fuck him up ^^

God damn, no one takes my smoke stuff... I cant even stand it when guys take my grip and look at the smoke.... ^^ hahaaaaa

Smack the bitch, get a little beat up pussy..... heheeee make a little name in college.... a good one, he's a cunt ^^


Active Member
heh, none of you seem to be taking into account the consequences. You don't have to hit someone to show that you're not a pushover. Usually just verbally confronting them is enough to show that you don't take that kind of shit. Never throw the first punch if it can be avoided, it's never smart to fight if you don't have to.