yes, i admit it. i am guilty of the sin of individual thought. i pray that you all will have mercy on my miserable soul. the voices in my head keep on putting together these words and thoughts and sometimes they have something more important to say that that i should climb the nearest clock tower and empty a few clips into my friends and neighbors.
so you're perfectly ok with our schools being nothing more than a taxpayer subsidized babysitting service? you see nothing wrong with graduates who read at a third grade level, have little or no capacity for logical thought and are totally incapable of understanding how the world around them works, let alone an ability to delve beyond the obvious to more esoteric realms? you do realize that a huge chunk of this country never goes to college, don't you? you are essentially advocating the creation of a slave class, the very thing you accuse the
evil corporations of attempting.
i don't know about you, but my schools were predominantly white. i was surrounded by children very much like myself and diversity was something that the administration paid lip service to while spoon feeding the students a curriculum designed by bland bureaucrats and ivory tower idiots.
and i went to relatively good public schools!!
the problem doesn't lie with the schools themselves, but with the fact that they are under the control of the all powerful state. they are saddled with the waste and ineptitude inherent in any state run institution. this mediocrity is no unlucky accident, it is required by a
creed of mediocrity that demands potentially great intellects be stunted so that inferior minds will not feel themselves to have been neglected. the
cult of equality dictates that everyone must be equal
in every way and we all know that that just isn't so.
your single line "like in europe" is very telling and lies toward the heart of the
politics of envy. while europe has coveted america's strength over the last century and striven to become more like us, we have envied their illusory sophistication and historical grandeur. we see their tired bureaucracies devolving into a socialistic quagmire and seem to feel we should imitate their downward spiral. it's a bit sad that the experiment of american freedom should be cut short by such petty jealousy.