Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Where does this movement – or in Polaris’ case, lack of movement – come from? Earth spins under the sky once a day. Earth’s spin causes the sun in the daytime – and the stars at night – to rise in the east and set in the west. But the North Star is a special case. Because it lies almost exactly above Earth’s northern axis, it’s like the hub of a wheel. It doesn’t rise or set. Instead, it appears to stay put in the northern sky.

The earth she still be round.....arrrrggh
OTH radar uses the dome/ionosphere which is a solid barrier to bounce signals in a relay system to increase distance :finger: I told you all that radar proves a flat earth earlier in this thread. Lol thanks like I said radar signals don't curve.
If the earth was flat why would it need to bounce off the ionosphere? It's flat and the shortest distance is a straight line.

Let me ask you something. If there is no gravity then how do things float in space.

What force are aircraft and such breaking to fly?
Low density gases like hydrogen and helium rise above "air" so there is less oxygen Globetard. Density and buoyancy are law. GRAVITY IS JUST A THEORY. Science butt munch science.

Let's break that down. If I put a feather and a quarter in a vacuum and drop them they will fall at the same time. What force causes that?

Do objects float in space? Is that because there is no density in space? Is that do to lack of gravity or lack of atmosphere?

Then go back to the feather and a quarter or even a bowling ball. They fall at the same time in a vacuum. Why is that?
Let me further that. If you drop a rock and a bowling ball outside a vacuum they fall at the same speed with different density. Why is that?

It cant be density. It has to be another force.
Motion requires energy. If the earth is spinning 1000 mph what powers it? Perpetual motion is impossible. Where is this massive amount of energy that the earth needs to spin? Ummm because maybe it's fixed and immovable. Terra Firma LMAO stop ignoring physics globetards.
You are posting stupid shit, you mean. Get real griller.

You spout non-science. You are disconnected from reality. Everyone says this. No one agrees with you. Smart people laugh at you.

You’re alone
@RetardedGourilla's posts are getting more and more outlandish. What's he going to do once the flat earth youtube channels get deleted? Where is he going to get his fictual facts at?
If gravity could be proven then it would be law not a theory. Smart people understand the laws of physics. Water curving around a ball LMAO ! Gullible Globetards :dunce: make the idiocracy a reality.
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