Well-Known Member
I have realized i am missing the in between stuff because i have blocked the idiots.Geeze i feel lighter.
and I agree with the idea that it is the point of the stories. Like treat people well and such. It was never meant to be a guide for weather or the earth being spherical as that came out many centuries later. Whoever's comments I am not getting....well i don't miss them. Back to growing posts where it is logical and not based in stupid opinion (I think the earth is flat so it is...wow is that not science).
Not true! It was meant as a weather guide and much more to help Moses get his people to safety across the dessert.
Kosher food storage is so you don’t infect the only food with bacteria.
The plagues are all easily explained by natural occurrences. The rivers flow red for instance on redcone mountain in Colorado from minerals in the water just like in Egypt. And the sky turning black from bugs during their spawning time.
Even frogs and fish have rained from the sky even in Michigan. Natural occurance. Caused by the right weather conditions.
The Red Sea kind of parts during certain seasonal wind shears. Not like the movie 10 commandments but it shallows out and they may have really crossed with an army following in heavy armor that mostly died.
But you can’t take an old story book too literally.
An old x girlfriend was a religion major. Her thesis was about all the different bibles. We had a lot of talks about this stuff for years. And I was forced an education in it from my Jewish upbringing.