Thank you Gore. Cognitive dissonance describes it nicely. For the record, in some other thread he claimed to use technical grade hexane from sigma, which is listed at 95, that's why I brought it up. More of that dissonance, just to trollolol and have something to argue about.
ll post some links to reply to you in the updated thread later tonight when I go through my bookmarks, but ags glass, cornerstone glass, and the chinese make thw bowl and wand setups (love the term atom smasher, never heard before, and now that's all i want to use lol)
Ill provide specific links tonight in the other thread.
Awesome and thanks. I'll look for you post there.
I must have been slightly confused... I've read various sections of your volumes, and some of the comments. And of course 100s of other posts/articles on dabs/vaping/etc....
I had thought you were the person to suggest the Atom Smasher brand in particular but I guess not.
I'm still trying to find the best way to get the most intense results from dabbing. Preferably without killing myself coughing every time I take a hit. And without compleatly breaking the bank. Although, I do like to have nice things and can afford them, etc. So I prefer something "cool" and effective as opposed to "cheap" and just as effective, if that makes sense, lol.
I've considered making a thread on this but there is just so much crazy info on all the different compounds and stuff. All I know is, that when I first moved to Co, for like the first two weeks of dabbing shatter on this super shitty hand dab pipe that was basically a quarts nail with a small glass tube to pull thru, and then like a for the first week of using my quartz domeless nail bubbler. I would choke my face off after pretty much every hit and get high as fucking shit. Like the first time I ever hit a bong 18 years ago.
I got super sick of almost dieing every-time I dabbed off a hot nail so started looking for alternatives. I've tried several pens designed for budder/shatter(atmosrx and others), no good. Prefilled carts - no good. Ssv dab setup - pretty good but still not like before. Even if I dab off a hot nail and choke myself - its still not the same as before.
Sorry for ranting about this but I miss getting fucking stupefied off bho, lol. I've considered its my tolerance so I just came off a week where I didn't use any bho(I may have had some ice wax tho, lol). Dabbed a shitload yesterday of the ssv with the mini bubbler and I get high don't get me wrong, but I don't get stupid high.
Anyway, last night I watched this whole thing on dabbing from the cup in Washington where they were talking all about the different compounds and terps and everything else...
So now I'm trying to mix flowers with dabbing but that just gets awkward I think, lol, I gotta roll a joint a dedicate a glass piece to flowers only and sit there and smoke a bunch first when I'd rather be takin a few hits of concentrates and be done... the SSV claims you can use flowers with the oil kit at the same time but I tried it this morning and even on full heat and the globe stopper its hard to get it to vape the flower, its more like the flower becomes a filter for the oil vapor, lol.
I want to try the wand/puddle set up and think I'm about to order that Illadelph hot hit wand kit as I found a site that sells it. Seems like other than a nail, that is the only way to get big vape hits thru a larger water pipe. Even if I dab directly on the Ti nail with the SSV kit, its not quite the same.
Or maybe I'm just not doing big enough dabs? I mean I'll do 5-10 the size of a grain of half a grain of rice in a row off the a SSV in sitting. Maybe now that I've been using for a while I gotta do a gram in a session?
Baaaa... Death Star Junt fueld rant over.
PS> I've considered getting The Worm quartz puddle setup, but am pretty sure it'll be pretty much the same as using a nail...