Any other gym rats out there?


Well-Known Member
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
Ok gym rat might not be accurate YET, I'm still saving to get to the gym, but I started hitting the weights about six months back bought my own dumbells have had a bench and bag for years that were gathering dust but now after six months I average 800-1000 reps a set, all upper body work (I haven't got any leg equipment and HATE squats lol another reason to get into the gym) I'm just curious how many other smokers out there still try to take care of themselves or on the other side believe that they wouldn't be able to BECAUSE they smoke weed (which I can say from experience is bullshit, apart from when you pick up that bong instead of those weights lol which DOES happen) so this post is I guess both to find like minded people on here and also maybe give a few people the motivation to start hitting the gym :)
I’m go daily to run 3-5 miles work the weights however I vape I stopped smoking long ago. I do however enjoy leg presses and squats and all that. I like full body workouts, it gets a really good pump and the veins popping.
i hit the weights 3x a week for 8 years now. All pretty much heavy compound lifts with some isolated work. I dont go to the gym anymore though i have all the equipment in my basement. My rack is my favorite piece of equipment. I never smoke on the day im going to lift until few hours after im done working out.
gym rat myself.

i ran the whole gambit over my i am into cardio and eating a whole food diet...and friends thats where its at!

.i been training for the incline and pikes peak in june, for the last 3 months

train going uphill...thats where the suffering is!


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Bought a chinup bar the other day was quite surprised how many I can do lol as a teen and even a few years ago I could do maybe 5 now I can do sets of 20 in two of the 3 variants the bar has and 15 of the third which is a lot more taxing on the shoulders and lats, which the dumbells weren't really hitting before but overall quite proud definitely makin progress :)
Bought a chinup bar the other day was quite surprised how many I can do lol as a teen and even a few years ago I could do maybe 5 now I can do sets of 20 in two of the 3 variants the bar has and 15 of the third which is a lot more taxing on the shoulders and lats, which the dumbells weren't really hitting before but overall quite proud definitely makin progress :)
Wide grip overhands are toughest for me. I like to do weighted sets with a belt now. I use to do 5 sets of 20 in 3 different positions(underhand, overhand, palms facing)before I got a belt until I started having weird headaches from them. Now I limit my reps but with the weighted belt it makes up for it and I feel light(210lbs) without it.

Side note I put up 205lb standing military press first time today!
Wide grip overhands are toughest for me. I like to do weighted sets with a belt now. I use to do 5 sets of 20 in 3 different positions(underhand, overhand, palms facing)before I got a belt until I started having weird headaches from them. Now I limit my reps but with the weighted belt it makes up for it and I feel light(210lbs) without it.

Side note I put up 205lb standing military press first time today!
Nice :D not sure what a standing MP is but I know how heavy 205lb is so good on ya :D going on the description wide grip overhands might be what I meant by the one that seemed to hit my shoulders and lats, can you give a verbal description of what you mean, or a pic even? :)
I smoke AFTER a workout by a few hours, never before. No motivation to even think about the gym if I smoke before lol
competitive powerlifter here, ive been lifting for about the last 15 years and competing for the last 3, got a few state records, but I always smoke before and after, the amount of mental focus and painkilling will let you rage, but I get super paranoid about my beard smelling like my bong when I go lift lol. cannabis in general is a great PE imho but if we are gonna talk about real PEDs lets start a juice thread
nice home there poops!

you got more then enough equipment.

i travel 12ish miles one way, every day to get to my gym.

and as far as steroids, i was a 20 year abuser. and i quit cold turkey after a career ending injury on 7dec2005.