Bumpie bump bump
DO NOT WATER AT PH 8 please PLEASE please!!!!
I use 707 - listen, first off - don't add lime, it really is not needed....... loving plants to much. Also dont worry about the run off on this stuff - I spent the first 6 months freaking out about that same thing and realized it does not make a diff. - - - -
THE KEY! SOLUTION! FIX - that i could not find anywhere online, nor find someone who will just answer the damn question of what is a good watering ph for this flippin soil......
WELL, the answer is 6.2 during veg and 5.8-6.0 during flower
YES! I do know what the soil/ organic soil charts say for nute intake PH spectrum blah blah blah
Its a nice kind of organic soil and it is actually closer to hydro then you might think.
I have the most success with the final product when I use 1gal vermiculite with 4 gal Roots 707 and switched from standard tall pots to smart pots (google em - THEY ROCK!)
Making these two changes allows a lot more oxygen than previously. And will make your babies stronger than you have ever seen before.
-Why is this relevant?
Because the Roots Organic is some bad ass shit and needs zero nutes (maybe 3-5ml/gal cal-mag) through veg and 2 weeks flower assuming veg is less than 5 weeks...... Being so strong some strains react faster than others to the soils ingredients and i used those as my guide to save my first crop years ago.
After this (week 3 in flower - till flush) sup cal-mag 8-10ml/gal and I add half nutes Terra Flores (works great with 707 - its all about good plant uptake)
- Also I have started adding PK 13/14 at 25% strength for three waterings total during flowering and doing so after week 5 for best result to date.
Flush last 3 weeks - don't be a douche and wait till last two or three watering and quickly run water through......
You have worked so hard leading up to that point - you might as well shoot yourself in the foot lol
USING THESE STEPS ABOVE and not loving my plants to much (took years to figure out and lots of $$$) has been the key to my success.......
Take what info you will and hope it helps,
<3 Rollitup
P.S. - It are they intro-net and grammmer/ spellings don't got-sta be corrected..... K
MMJ 4 Life