Any other gym rats out there?

d ball test masteron I don't know what that is if you mean performance enhancers I don't touch that shit. I wanna go pro so I have to be all natural. They cant disqualify me for a bit of pot, at least I wouldn't think so but other than that I'm all nat.
I never did real gear but I did use pro hormones. I have 10 bottles of ibe’s epistane if I ever want to run it again along with clomid. best "sponsor" board on net with lots of great members. I ran cycles when I was younger but realized it was waste of time since as soon as you stop you shrink faster then you gained even with pct. I still frequently visit OM because of the guys there mentality keeps me motivated.
Last edited: best "sponsor" board on net with lots of great members. I ran cycles when I was younger but realized it was waste of time since as soon as you stop you shrink faster then you gained even with pct. I still frequently visit OM because of the guys there mentality keeps me motivated.
Eli was more of a dry muscle unlike superdrol most of what they lose is the water. Most keep the strength gains. I always loved the vascularity from the epi. Due to it being dry you don’t see near the drop.
Eli was more of a dry muscle unlike superdrol most of what they lose is the water. Most keep the strength gains. I always loved the vascularity from the epi. Due to it being dry you don’t see near the drop.
ive never used any prohormones, i was a test E fan. Its been 5 years since i ran anything, needed to stop once wife wanted to have kids. Now i just hit the weights 3x a week and i lift heavier then i ever did on the juice due to muscle maturity and staying consistent. Maybe when i hit 50 ill get on TRT if my test levels get low.
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Raise the reps and lower the weight as you get older. Increase the rest time between sets substantially. This is super important. The extra time in the gym can be a drag to some but it is soooo worth it from the results you get. Bananas, OJ and baked chicken breast. Put it in a blender and chug that shit after your workout. Bench, seated hammer curls, incline dumbbell presses, dumbbell shrugs for the traps, hi rep low weight concentration curls with dumbbells, tricep extensions, wide grip pull ups for the lats, bows n toes 3 one minute reps, the wheel, love handle work and hit the treadmill for a five mile run inside of one hour. With the extra time between sets you may be there 3 hours but you will be a f'kn beast like me. I never juiced in my life. Pressed 360 at 187 body weight at 19. Competition bench too with judges. 335 @ 165 with a 4.4 40 at age 17.
ive never used any prohormones, i was a test E fan. Its been 5 years since i ran anything, needed to stop once wife wanted to have kids. Now i just hit the weights 3x a week and i lift heavier then i ever did on the juice due to muscle maturity and staying consistent. Maybe when i hit 50 ill get on TRT if my test levels get low.
Do u have hormone in balance?? I went to the doctor he sead i produce test of a seventy year old?? Now i need to jump back onn??
Do u have hormone in balance?? I went to the doctor he sead i produce test of a seventy year old?? Now i need to jump back onn??
Hormone imbalance now, no im good. After running test and quitting yes you would be all out of wack for a month or 2 if you werent on for years like some guys do and only did a 12 week cycle. These guys that dont take breaks always running gear get really out of sorts when stop and usually have to get on TRT at a younger age. What # did your testosterone test come back at?
Do u have hormone in balance?? I went to the doctor he sead i produce test of a seventy year old?? Now i need to jump back onn??
I’ve always gotten blood work done before during and after a cycle back in the day. I know even now my test levels are far higher than most in my age range. But I’ve always done everything right and did proper post cycle. If you want a really good and inexpensive natural test booster look at d-aspartic acid. It works really well. Here’s the one I get.
Hormone imbalance now, no im good. After running test and quitting yes you would be all out of wack for a month or 2 if you werent on for years like some guys do and only did a 12 week cycle. These guys that dont take breaks always running gear get really out of sorts when stop and usually have to get on TRT at a younger age. What # did your testosterone test come back at?
Shit i dont know were paperworks at its been a year ago on the check up but i usto ne on for years no break.. Ill look for the paperwork
I’ve always gotten blood work done before during and after a cycle back in the day. I know even now my test levels are far higher than most in my age range. But I’ve always done everything right and did proper post cycle. If you want a really good and inexpensive natural test booster look at d-aspartic acid. It works really well. Here’s the one I get.

Ow thank ill look into it for shure
ive run at least 8 test E and deca cycles, some eq, some dbol, some var here and there, honestly I don't even remember the total number, hcg nolva and clomid for a pct, I get my blood work done by LabCorp every year and I'm well within normal ranges for age for what I produce off cycle, just like anything there is always "use" vs "abuse" be smart and don't be a shitbag with your diet and drinking habits and your nuts will be virile for years to come, I honestly don't think I could bring myself to use anything other than a real compound, at least with real stuff you know what you're getting, if anyone one needs a good online source for gear stateside I can oblige as well
i completed the incline..65 minutes, and pikes peak in 11 hours.

next goal is up hill too, a 911 memorial stair climb.

then a 10k in November

then back to hiking....

all on plants boys
no animal products
Hitting the gym 6 am in the morning to do CrossFit and signing off from work at 3 PM to walk after and get our dose. My partner and I have that routine for like 6 months until we moved to a new location.
yo lordhooha.
.i dont do the fake meats and dairy either..even thou they taste like the read things...almost.

but the reason i dont eat that is the soy. i dont do soy either

them cross fit boys are fit for sure. way above my fitness level