Auto flower purple haze off original sensible seeds

Look nice plants hopefully you don’t end up in same situation when it comes down to budding lol
So i looked, this Purple Haze(60% sativa, can take 12+ weeks for some) says harvest from seed to cut in 70-75 days. Buds usually pack on last 2 weeks big time and from what i see(not in all cases) sativas are more fluffy by nature. This strain will start packing on by week 9-10 and finnish by week 11-12 depending on how you like your trichs. Have a bit of patience as the reviews saud she smokes really nice(hazes usually smooth) and has killer bag appeal.
So i looked, this Purple Haze(60% sativa, can take 12+ weeks for some) says harvest from seed to cut in 70-75 days. Buds usually pack on last 2 weeks big time and from what i see(not in all cases) sativas are more fluffy by nature. This strain will start packing on by week 9-10 and finnish by week 11-12 depending on how you like your trichs. Have a bit of patience as the reviews saud she smokes really nice(hazes usually smooth) and has killer bag appeal.
Thanks Im probs just been impatient lol just I found one before from same company and by week 8 it looked packed full of buds mines just got the white hairs lol
Yeah, just expect 11 to 12 weeks on this one because of the haze genetics. If just 8 weeks, another 2 to 3 and she'll fatten up good for you. Hope you keep us posted with some good pics when she does.
Yeah, just expect 11 to 12 weeks on this one because of the haze genetics. If just 8 weeks, another 2 to 3 and she'll fatten up good for you. Hope you keep us posted with some good pics when she does.
I’ll keep yous posed I’ll keep uploading pics every week for yous see if the changes happen lol
Bought seven auto skunk seeds and only two were good... I have to buy something else from them and then they will make it up to me... smelling like bs to me!!!
Well I bought ten white widow seeds before and out of 7 seeds 2 of them where female then I bought these seeds n I complained to them that iv orderd twice n both times they haven’t worked they sending my order back out for free so I’m expecting 7 auto purple haze seed through the door any time soon tbh
Bought seven auto skunk seeds and only two were good... I have to buy something else from them and then they will make it up to me... smelling like bs to me!!!
You seem to be doing good for a newer grower or atleast a longtime in between grows where I'd cut my losses if i were you and just stick with better known banks/breeders.
Depends on what ypu want. Auto/photo, us based for fast delivery/foreign waiting on customs. Untill March/Aprils big biys from Mephisto, i only ever went to Attitude. Never more than 2 weeks and never lost any seeds.
Never heard of attitude before, but I trust your word... I'll check it out...
Just had some more seeds sent from original sensible seeds for free off them
Lemon berry haze just wondering if any1 ever grew it before ??
I never actually seen that bank/breeder mentioned untill you and Franknitty mentioned your seeds from there.
I was going to get a bulk order of nl Big Bud autos from them... cheap price for them but they won't take a credit card from the us,bitcoin or cash only
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