Random Jabber Jibber thread

Potato tittles


betcha can't have just one
Whats racist about about saying some thing that could be true african is in hes ancestry nothing wron with knowing where u come from
Whats racist about about saying some thing that could be true african is in hes ancestry nothing wron with knowing where u come from

so you're of the opinion that obama faked his own birth certificate and his mother planted birth announcements in hawaiian newspapers while living in kenya because they knew he would be elected president 50 years later?

it's an insane and racist conspiracy theory

cannabineer used to mock people for it
im of the understanding ompbama was born in america he was not ? where was he born dont know dont care u must be a really perfect tho the amount u seem 2 go after others lol right or wrong i still think u need a diffrent hobby