Yeah I'm gonna find out for myself too. Putting a few GPS plants in around 100 to 300 gallon hand dug holes in the ground amended with organic amendments, 60% promix and 40% native. They are already going on 3 months old they are gonna be some beasts so I hope they do well as far as handling the fierce humidity we have here.
Bodega would be great, I used to kill it with a pure bubblegum pink phenom I had back in the day. Dream catcher is another I believe would do well too.
I'm sure they will do well. You can't really go by anything but experience I learned. I ran 80% of what was supposed to be mold resistant specific bred strains, from getaway mountain. Some did great and others were terrible as far as contracting mold went and I took very cautious measures. But for him in the northern US (Maine) they did great. His island Afghani and poison warp was the best for my environment. Then I have had some indoor strains do great outside too... I guess it' all a hit and miss and we will only know with experience.
I did however find a product that will keep anyone mold free if they aren't against using chems. It' called Flint made by Bayer. After reading about it and researching it I found it had extremely low toxicity rate and was used with great success on marijuana. A small bottle was over $200.00 But it saved me thousands. I will NEVER grow outdoors without it.