Uses of Super Plant Tonic


Well-Known Member
Hello, Fellow Organic Growers.... I've been getting quite a few private messages about Super Plant Tonic, so I'll just answer allot of those questions right here, in one shot.
Super Plant Tonic is not a fertilizer - it's a root inoculant, with trace minerals, and beneficial micro-beasties (aka- good bacteria & myco fungi).
It contains all 72 trace minerals, and endo type bacteria / fungi.
Super Plant Tonic does contain some NPK, but it's mainly in the bottle to support the micro-beaties until used.
Super Plant Tonic should be used at full (mixed) strength, weekly, for the first month. After that, either full (mixed) strength every two weeks, or half (mixed) strength weekly. Either way works. I stop using it, the last two weeks of flowering, since the micro-beastie poplulation is already good / established and I don't want to waste it.
Super Plant Tonic can be mixed with fertilizers and applied.
Super Plant Tonic should never be mixed with chlorinated water - it kills the micro-beasties.
Super Plant Tonic should not be used as a foliar spray. It is a root inoculant. Plants grown in bagged soil, need the micro-beasties, since most bagged soil - has no life in it. The micro-beasties are present in all soils in nature.
The micro-beaties in SPT, will break down insoluble NPK and feed it directly to Mary. It will also kill off bad bacteria and increase plant vigor / drought resistance.
After you receive a bottle of SPT, you should always loosen the cap. It will vent off the methane (farts) produced by the micro-beasties and allow them to breath. They do not generate enought methane to be flamable. They do generate enough to cause the bottle to swell slightly, if left locked up tightly.
Pouring SPT, out of the orginal bottle, into another bottle, then back into the orginal bottle once a week, provides extra oxygen for the micro-beasties and prolongs shelf life. It also reduces the smell.
SPT can be put in the refrigerator, just not frozen.
After using half a bottle of SPT, it helps to pour three or four ounces of unchlorinated water in the bottle. The extra oxygen in the fresh water, stimulates reproduction of the micro-beaties. This will not water it down, since extra life will be generated.
SPT can be used on all plants, except root crops - like potatoes, carrots, peanuts, etc... You don't want fuzzy looking potatoes and since the myco fungi penatrate the skin or shell of such crops, it reduces the time they keep once harvested.
SPT is a great tonic / root inoculant, it works wonders on Mary. I've never had anyone who grew Mary with it, complain about the results. Used correctly it Rocks.....
SPT works in soil, semi-soilless mixes and hydro. I have not had any experience with it in Aeroponics. So, I don't know about that, sorry.
SPT used straight as a root dip, helps clones become established and protects them until they have a rootball. It also helps older seeds, germinate (used straight).
It's about the best priced root inoculant you can find. For $ 7 and shipping, it's hard to beat. Just go onto Ebay and type in Super Plant Tonic in the search box to find it. I'm Frugal, so the value for the price thing works for me.
It's the only thing I use every grow and recommend to anyone. It's the best "out of the bottle" mix I've ever used. Get some, it will not disappoint.
I just advise everyone, not to ask the sellers questions about growing Mary. I don't know if the Ebay email system gets snooped or not. I've never asked them anything related to Mary, just Tomatoe growing advice. Which has worked great for Mary.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic......
thanks for the post Ohsogreen! whats the best way to kill chlorine in tap water?
Krunkpot..... Most public water systems still use chlorine gas, injected into the water supply. It will evaporate, if left out in a open container for 48 hours. Agitating it with a cheap aquarium air pump / stone, speeds up the process.
If you live in a large, very modern city, like NY or LA, they use a new liquid chlorine mix, which does not evaporate. At any pet store or Walmart you can find a de-chlorinator solution used for fish tanks for around $ 4 a bottle. The stuff works real good and does not hurt Mary or You.
Hope this helps...
Keep it Real...Organic.....
thanks man!
Krunkpot... You are welcome. I also forgot one fun one. Pour some into just one flower bed or flower pot at a neighbors house. Watch them, scratch their heads and try to figure out why, suddenly those flowers began growing like crazy. LOL....
Keep it Real...Organic....
Krunkpot... You are welcome. I also forgot one fun one. Pour some into just one flower bed or flower pot at a neighbors house. Watch them, scratch their heads and try to figure out why, suddenly those flowers began growing like crazy. LOL....
Keep it Real...Organic....

Ohsogreen Your dark side is showing man. F*n with the neighbors, shame on you. But it does sound fun.
Great thread ohso... +rep

Hola Catincombs! I kind of agree with you...if I caught my neighbor sneaking around my veggies & flower patches with a watering can, it might get very ugly...very quick!

Hope all is well guys...

Great thread ohso... +rep

Hola Catincombs! I kind of agree with you...if I caught my neighbor sneaking around my veggies & flower patches with a watering can, it might get very ugly...very quick!

Hope all is well guys...


oops...I guess I have to spread some rep love before I can 'hit' you again!

Here you go:


Sorry man...
"I just advise everyone, not to ask the sellers questions about growing Mary. I don't know if the Ebay email system gets snooped or not. I've never asked them anything related to Mary, just Tomatoe growing advice. Which has worked great for Mary."

This is a very important rule to follow...

Ohso...looking for your thoughts.

Next weekend, I'm upgrading my tent set-up and germing some beans. What are your thoughts on pre-watering the 2-gallons of Ocean Forest soil with SPTonce or twice before transplanting the seedlings? I thought maybe it would get the little beasties in their early and start them working in advance...

"I just advise everyone, not to ask the sellers questions about growing Mary. I don't know if the Ebay email system gets snooped or not. I've never asked them anything related to Mary, just Tomatoe growing advice. Which has worked great for Mary."

This is a very important rule to follow...

Ohso...looking for your thoughts.

Next weekend, I'm upgrading my tent set-up and germing some beans. What are your thoughts on pre-watering the 2-gallons of Ocean Forest soil with SPTonce or twice before transplanting the seedlings? I thought maybe it would get the little beasties in their early and start them working in advance...

Hello Greensurfer...... Glad to see you back on RIU. I would pre-water my containers, prior to transplanting the seedlings. It will give the micro-beasties a chance to start establishing a population and killing off any unfriendly bacteria / fungi.
I usually go for a full strength watering (with SPT) for the first four weeks, after I drop my seedlings in the ground. After that, I do the water one week (SPT) and feed (fertilize) the next, in rotation.
Keep it Real....Organic.....
Hello Greensurfer...... Glad to see you back on RIU. I would pre-water my containers, prior to transplanting the seedlings. It will give the micro-beasties a chance to start establishing a population and killing off any unfriendly bacteria / fungi.
I usually go for a full strength watering (with SPT) for the first four weeks, after I drop my seedlings in the ground. After that, I do the water one week (SPT) and feed (fertilize) the next, in rotation.
Keep it Real....Organic.....

Muchas Gracias!


do you think watering cut clones with SPT will speed up the process of roots shooting out the rockwool?
Im fat..... SPT will absolutely speed up the rooting process for clones and protect them from bad bacteria in the process.
I did a test batch with a friend back in Sept. and the ones with SPT threw out roots 4 days quicker. The roots from the SPT batch were more numerous & healther looking in general. So, the clones that had not been given SPT initially were given some afterwards. They all survived and are looking quick healthy.
Keep it Real....Organic....
I was just reading another thread and Seamaiden reminded me of some advice I gave another grower about SPT. Thanks Seamaiden......
Once you have used about half a bottle, drop in two or three ounces of unchlorinated water and the micro-beasties will have some room to expand. This will cause them to use up their food source a little faster, but heck, will a bottle really last two years for any of us ? I think not. My bottles never make it past a few months.
Someone asked me last week, could they keep the SPT microbeasties going indefinately. I supose you could, give them some fresh (unchlorinated water) and a dash of molasses from time to time, while keeping them oxygenated. But, when BMO makes the stuff, they add in (dead) aneorbic bacteria, under certain temps / pressure - which cause the good microbeasties to excrete substance to kill off the bad bacteria - but since none are really alive to be a threat, these substances remain in the mix - kind of like an immunization shot for your plants. It's part of their secret process, Jerry the "Mad Scientist" (inventor of SPT), shared with me in a Q & A email about how come the stuff worked so well.
So, there you have it. Some tips, tricks & inside info. Hope it helps....
Keep it Real.....Organic.....
Made by a mad scientist, that explains it. Nothing this good could be made by a sane person. I wonder if I could convince him to add something to it, to make it smell better like vanillia or chocolate. If he is really mad, maybe he'd go for it.
If my memory serves me correctly, I think Bill told me the creator is an ex-Monsanto scientist who left because he hated the system. Ohso can probably verify.

Thier loss, our benefit.
If my memory serves me correctly, I think Bill told me the creator is an ex-Monsanto scientist who left because he hated the system. Ohso can probably verify.

Thier loss, our benefit.

A real scientist ? Isn't Monsanto a giant seed company, soybeans & corn ? I wonder why he did not like their system ? This might be interesting.
Hey Ohso, whats the scoop with the Mad Scientist ? I mean scholarly gentleman inventor (just in case, he's a friend) of SPT ?
Yes, that Monsanto. I believe Bill said he was a company scientist & management, but saved his money and retired early because he didn't agree with many company policies and practices. And, from the vague tone of my regular email traffic with BMO...I wonder if he even knows how popular this stuff is in certain counter-culture gardening circles. I think I said it was popular on some 'extra-cirricular' gardening more details. But, given the history of extra-cirricular activities in the Arkansas hills...I'm sure they know what the stuff is good for...just look at the product names! :mrgreen:

Bill & his BMO products are awesome...they are good people with a great product.
A real scientist ? Isn't Monsanto a giant seed company, soybeans & corn ? I wonder why he did not like their system ? This might be interesting.
Hey Ohso, whats the scoop with the Mad Scientist ? I mean scholarly gentleman inventor (just in case, he's a friend) of SPT ?
OIsmoked12...... Yes, the big seed company. They were messing with genetically modified food crops and Bill's, father-in-law, told them where to go & how to get there. He chose not to take part in altering food crops that ended up on the tables of Americans. From what Bill's told me, Jerry is like, Tesla smart. He loves organic chemistry (he has a Master's in it) and gardening.
Bill told me, Jerry picked up a bag of potting soil one day, at Wal-mart and said " Another Dead Product, that's not healthy. " He then when to it. A couple of days later, SPT was born. After a few remixes, infusions, temp / pressure changes, dozens of test batches & lots of testing. It finally got his seal of approval.
I respect people who take a stand against what they know is wrong. Thank God, Monsanto got exposed for trying to splice fish DNA with Corn & all those greedy Bast*rds that were feeding dead livestock, back to other livestock got exposed. Mad Cow Disease & Killer Bees - two great scientific disasters - for those driven by the almighty dollar.
Opps..Sorry, I just hate greedy people - they will do anything for a buck. I'm getting off my soap box now.
Keep it Real...Organic..... Cause Fish DNA don't belong in Corn......