GrowIng shrooms

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
whars the easiest most foolproof way of growing psilocybe cubensis?
What kit?
How long?
Spore source?

I’m a total noob to growing them but have had a lot that have grown wild and had both mushrooms/truffles in Amsterdam and want to have a large amount by August. I’ve got a 1.5m2 room free so can’t be bigger set up than that
if you arent after commercial amounts of product and you just want a to experiment with shrooms every so often, i would recommend a shotgun fruiting chamber and BRF cakes or grain spawn to small trays. If you are after ounces of product at a time i would recommend researching bulk tek.
here is a link to the usual BRF tek:

and heres the SGFC:

personally i like cooked WBS/coffee/vermiculite cakes and to just fruit from the cake. Many people prefer to grow grain spawn then break it down into a bulk substrate/fruiting chamber to get bigger fruits, which is superior in yields, even with the extra time involved usually but yea more time consuming than just fruiting spawn. Its all relatively easy if you have everything prepared mentally for the tasks.

usually a home scientist will acquire spores from a legal vendor, then grow a few high quality cakes or spawn bags and then make a liquid culture.
like here:

i prefer these lids for liquid culture becuase they hold up very well, but there are other cheapers teks:
whars the easiest most foolproof way of growing psilocybe cubensis?
What kit?
How long?
Spore source?

I’m a total noob to growing them but have had a lot that have grown wild and had both mushrooms/truffles in Amsterdam and want to have a large amount by August. I’ve got a 1.5m2 room free so can’t be bigger set up than that
Brf tek is super easy takes about two weeks depending on size to colonize then a couple of weeks to grow and mature.
If getting a lot of mushrooms in a few months is your aim I would learn to spawn to bulk. BRF cakes are great primer into learning the growing process but do not produce more than a personal amount. Spores are easy to find online look at the any of the vendors banner ads on Don't order a kit; do some research. You should be able to find everything you need locally with the exception of spores.
Build yourself a still air box. Learn about spawning to grain once you grasp doing cakes. Once you have clean grain spawn learn about grain to grain transfers. It's much faster than starting over again from a spore syringe.
You actually have plenty enough time to do cakes from spore to fruit and even a bulk tub or 2 before August if you start right now. Takes maybe about 8-10 weeks to get fruits from cakes when starting from a syringe but it's much faster starting from colonized grain. When you get to doing bulk you'll never go back to cakes and then your focus should be on learning about agar work. Enjoy the journey
It usually takes me a little over 3 weeks from start to finish. i use rye or wheat grain, (not rye grass seed). Hit them with the syringe, 1cc per jar. When jars are fully colonized, I crumble them into pastuerized compost, cover them for a week, then take off the cover and fruit. Maybe here in South Florida they grow faster.
When I grew mushies I just did brf cakes, and I got a decent yield. Here is a few pictures I dont have pictures of the full yield but just a few. The strain is b+ and I ordered my spores from, good luck!


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Nice i think the main reason is i just havent shroomed in a while lol

And i usually immerse my self in new endeavors too much haha.

But i always thought growing shrooms of anykind was cool. Edible or other

When i used to have them grow in my pro mix or coco in my weed plants i would always leavem just cause they where cool lookin lol
Nice i think the main reason is i just havent shroomed in a while lol

And i usually immerse my self in new endeavors too much haha.

But i always thought growing shrooms of anykind was cool. Edible or other

When i used to have them grow in my pro mix or coco in my weed plants i would always leavem just cause they where cool lookin lol
Lol I can relate so much I am always looking for something new to dive into! Yeah the science behind it all is so interesting thats why I grew, then I just sold em because I dont really do mushrooms due to ptsd and it just brings out the bad in me, I had a mushy grow in my weed plant recently also!
I used to love to shroom when i was a kid but its been fucking since my kids so around 13 years for me.

I dont even know if i would like to shroom any more but i sure like edible mushrooms and i think they are cool.

Haha theres this crazy guy i know who said he eats all the mushrooms i was told would kill you growing up lol

You know the big red fuckers with the white spots! He said he eats that shit im like woa dude !

He said you can smoke the ones on the trees too haha

But i wouldnt be caught trying lol i still couldnt believe that he aate the red ones but if you saw his crazy ass youd know he wasnt lying haha
I used to love to shroom when i was a kid but its been fucking since my kids so around 13 years for me.

I dont even know if i would like to shroom any more but i sure like edible mushrooms and i think they are cool.

Haha theres this crazy guy i know who said he eats all the mushrooms i was told would kill you growing up lol

You know the big red fuckers with the white spots! He said he eats that shit im like woa dude !

He said you can smoke the ones on the trees too haha

But i wouldnt be caught trying lol i still couldnt believe that he aate the red ones but if you saw his crazy ass youd know he wasnt lying haha
Amanita muscaria ,,, (spelling?) Or fly argic are edible .. they however don't make you trip.. theyll make you sleepy or make you a spaz. BUT! Take too much and you'll end up with kidney failure .. I always called them smurf houses as a kid... It's not a very fun shroom.. Everytime I've tried them they put my ass to sleep... Lol..
We used to trip balls on Amanitas we picked in the forests around Cultus Lake, BC. Look just like a Money's mushroom but raggedy red tops.

A few different strains in the Fraser Valley were there for the picking too.

I'm wanting to get into growing some myself from all I've read about how well they work for depression. Micro-dosing on them during the day is supposed to work great and you don't really catch a buzz but I wouldn't mind tripping on them either again. Been about 30+ years and I loved them back in the day.

I'll be reading up and just buying spores to get started. Anybody have any dealings with this Canadian outfit. Ralphstersspores?

Amanitas have I Believe an acid that's converted to muscimol(pardon the spelling)which is the active in them.. it's not a psilocybe and contains no psilocybin. The feeling amanitas gave me wasn't trippy.. but I heard lots of people have "tripped" on them .. we have orange red ones and orange yellow ones and the brown panther ones that grow in my area..
We used to trip balls on Amanitas we picked in the forests around Cultus Lake, BC. Look just like a Money's mushroom but raggedy red tops.

A few different strains in the Fraser Valley were there for the picking too.

I'm wanting to get into growing some myself from all I've read about how well they work for depression. Micro-dosing on them during the day is supposed to work great and you don't really catch a buzz but I wouldn't mind tripping on them either again. Been about 30+ years and I loved them back in the day.

I'll be reading up and just buying spores to get started. Anybody have any dealings with this Canadian outfit. Ralphstersspores?

Check out, specifically their sponsor forum. There are several vendors that are vouched for by the community, ralphsters is no longer considered a good source.
Check out, specifically their sponsor forum. There are several vendors that are vouched for by the community, ralphsters is no longer considered a good source.

I've been to the site in the past when I started looking into growing them and will have to do that again and maybe join up. Be a switch to be asking for help in a forum rather than offering it. :)

Thanks for the reminder! pass.gif
