apartment broken into, two plants jacked


Well-Known Member
So i havent been around for a couple of days and the reason for that is my apartment got broken into and two of my plants got jacked, along with my bowl my bong 400 dollars and abunch of dvds

the most fucked up part is, they didnt take the plants in the pots to possibly let them finish out, they just cut them at the base stuffed em in a bag and were out.

so as you can imagine ive been extrememley pissed throughout the weekend trying to put pieces together of what couldve possibly happened

since then, ive added two deadbolts to my door and set up a web cam to monitor my closet door

all i can say is that im SO happy they didnt take the other two, i still have one grape ape and one bagseed, and they were the biggest 2 outta the four

noone knew about this grow, and im pretty sure they didnt come here for the plants, it was just an added bonus

whatever, trying to be as optomistic about this and see it as the glass half full....

i just really miss my plants:cry:


Well-Known Member
i feel for ya
my heart ggoes out to you,
people are fucked up
id get my 12 gauge ready man


Well-Known Member
unlucky. never think its gonna happen to urself do u?

obviously u cant ring the police about it....

did they take ur lights / fans / anything like that?


Well-Known Member
unlucky. never think its gonna happen to urself do u?

obviously u cant ring the police about it....

did they take ur lights / fans / anything like that?
nope no lights or anything taken, just the two plants

Someone knew....come on.
yah everyone on riu...

come on dude, you dont know me, why you gotta be a little bitch and be like "someone knew"

stfu, noone did except my girlfriend, but she helps take care of the plants and lives here as well, and that was part of her 400 dollars, and dvd's were hers as well... so no, somebody broke into my apartment and then found the plants

and NOW somebody knows, whoever fucking broke into my place


Well-Known Member
nope no lights or anything taken, just the two plants

yah everyone on riu...

come on dude, you dont know me, why you gotta be a little bitch and be like "someone knew"

stfu, noone did except my girlfriend, but she helps take care of the plants and lives here as well, and that was part of her 400 dollars, and dvd's were hers as well... so no, somebody broke into my apartment and then found the plants

and NOW somebody knows, whoever fucking broke into my place
Come on dude? I dont know you? Why do i gotta be a little bitch?

All i said was someone knew...come on.

You can eat a dick now....glad your shit got stolen. EL OH EL at that
Fuck ya life...volume 2


New Member
it is of the utmost importance bout your garden keep it a secret friends the best scenerio is only u know now move u said apt right move,if its a personal FRIEND choose friends better and security i had a 8'blueberry outside some one took a lower branch probibly my nieghbor but that stopped when i put servailance camera on it


Well-Known Member
yea bro thats shitty, somebody broke into my backyard or hopped my HUGE ass gate or some shit this year, and stole 5 of my 21 putdoors (all were under 8 inches at the time) i ended up finding out who did it, or a general idea, but i got word from other people aroound that they killed off 4/5 because they were males, and the only female was 2 feet, its been 3 months THAT IS PATHETIC, im not even pissed i got jacked cause i didnt lose my other 16, and i got a lil outdoor harvest comin up. The only reason im pissed, is i know these kids dont know how to grow at all, took my girlies from a knowledgable caregiving grower who knows all i need to, and they ended up in the hands of douchebag retards who dont even water it, no wonder 4/5 were males, fucking stress. I have an abundance of plants i dont know what to do with now tho so i guess its a good thing the herb got spread, its just sad cause i would give seeds/clones to anybody wanting to grow, they just assume i wouldnt and have to steal, its sad really.


Well-Known Member
Come on dude? I dont know you? Why do i gotta be a little bitch?

All i said was someone knew...come on.

You can eat a dick now....glad your shit got stolen. EL OH EL at that
Fuck ya life...volume 2

whatever dude, come on here dont even say "sorry to hear that man that sucks"

nope, just had to bust my balls about someone knowing... sry but thats kind of dickish.... kind of like a little bitch


Well-Known Member
but yea man, how does somebody have to know? If his grow was raided, all plants taken, lights and everything else, then someone would have known, and even then if i was doin a B&E plants would be the best present ever, i would RAID the place, but i would NEVER do that because that is morally wrong and i dont believe in jacking another man's crop in the first place, let alone B&E(unless you got it coming and theres a reason, then ill kill ya!)lol BNut it sounds like you live in the city, in which case Breakins are all too common, so it couldve been random, but i would move anyway man get a nice little bungalo or something and rock a nice little grow out in the basement, and maybe have a crop in the backyard too!


Well-Known Member
As much as it sucks I think you need to clean house, tear everything down. These folks will come back knowing they have bud waiting for them...


Well-Known Member
still tho sorry to hear about that shit greenday, i was following that grow you had just a little bit, i remember the pics a couple days/weeks ago maybe, damn man sorry shit. Oh well you still got you Gape and the bagseed, not all is lost..............


New Member
u can get a cheapo camera from any wallmart hookup 2 vcr and record activities if u cant go police u can kick sum ass


Well-Known Member
man breaking into someones house is like rape,
total invasion of privacy and the rights you have in your house
its fucked up


Well-Known Member
i have no way of moving my lease is not even close to being up yet, and the only way you can get into my apartment is through the front door and that is not penetrable any more

sooo..... yah

thanks cannabizz i agree i still got two, and they are the biggest ones, so its not that bad

and whoever stole them obviously dosnt know much about it because they were no where close to being done and the shit probably wont even get em high.

w/e i just hate faggots coming on here and saying they were glad that my plants got stolen... wtf are they even doing on this site?

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
on a positive note it could of been worse if the cops showed up to secure your place or whatever you could be looking at a court appearance right now ............still sucks that these theiving scumbags live amongst us .


Well-Known Member
damn.. do you think it coulda been someone you know???

if it was someone that knew about it, it was because of something that my g/f said, but shes just as serious about security as i am... like she has just as much stake in it as i do, plus she got shit stolen too other than the plants

i honestly think it was someone that just happened to hit the jack pot

ive tried to piece shit together so many times but it just dosnt seem like they came here for the plants, but now somebody does know and i dont like that

but whatever, they are so close to being done and im not ready to chop them down quite yet... my landlords dont even have the new keys yet and their not going to untill my plants are done

especially since they didn't take all 4 or the lights or anything else, they were just like " quick grab two " the way the stems were sticking out you can tell they weren't even cut but ripped by hand and very quickly