I am Delivering Pitbull Puppies


Well-Known Member
yeah man any update on her?
She had 9 puppies this morning from 7am-12am... it was her first time. They are all dark grey except 2 are kind buckskin color and one is black..

Thanks everyone for keeping me company last night... it was a long one. Still havnt been to bed. I'll be sure to post some pics as they get alittle older


Well-Known Member
She has already tried to smother one... So i guess i have to sit here and watch her all day... they are sweaking like crazy. Full of life...


Well-Known Member
Actually tried to smother it, or was it that she's just a new mother and doesn't know how to move around them? Nice litter! :D And BIG, too. Wow, I was gonna toss out a guess of 8 for her first whelp, but dayumn. Bet you're gonna have people coming out of the woodwork asking you for pups now.


Well-Known Member
yea there are six of them going out to some good friends... so at least i'll get to see those pups grow up. I feel like the other three will hang around for a while. but i'll have to sell them... I already have 3 adult pit bulls.


Well-Known Member
The pups dad is 14 months old... Yea me to man. It as been a rough day though. Im glad my girl is about to get off work so i can smoke a fatty and to stare at the TV till i pass out. Im so tired... BigGravey you on the east coast?


Active Member
I have bread pits in the past, mother nature will take over, keep a close watch, young females may need help. you will need some latex gloves it can get really messy,,,,,,,good luck stony..


Well-Known Member
The pups dad is 14 months old... Yea me to man. It as been a rough day though. Im glad my girl is about to get off work so i can smoke a fatty and to stare at the TV till i pass out. Im so tired... BigGravey you on the east coast?

I believe it. Im sure you're beat. I wish I could have studded my guy but due to the BSL legislation in my area I had to have him neutered. Not exactly the east coast but the eastern region of North America lol. Im in Ontario Canada.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Congrats on the puppies.I've delivered some animals myself, the first time is always a nerve racker! Glad they're healthy.


Well-Known Member
those are some cute pups,they look like pugs:mrgreen:

i so want a pitbull,they really are nice and friendly dogs


Well-Known Member
I didnt know that had BSL In Canada... that sucks. I was gonna say you should take ur dog to a ADBA show. I took mine last month and it was pretty fun.

Thanks, Yeah it was really crazy... Its really nerve racking! I cant imagine doing it again... Too much stress on my self.


Well-Known Member
I didnt know that had BSL In Canada... that sucks. I was gonna say you should take ur dog to a ADBA show. I took mine last month and it was pretty fun.

Thanks, Yeah it was really crazy... Its really nerve racking! I cant imagine doing it again... Too much stress on my self.

Well it's just in the province of ontario. The rest of the provinces are fine.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It gets easier.At least you didn't have to suction their mouths out or cut the cords for her.
I didnt know that had BSL In Canada... that sucks. I was gonna say you should take ur dog to a ADBA show. I took mine last month and it was pretty fun.

Thanks, Yeah it was really crazy... Its really nerve racking! I cant imagine doing it again... Too much stress on my self.


Well-Known Member
omg that is so amazing!!! the pups are adorable, good job! i love puppies...our dog came from our next door neighbours, so we got to see the babies and play with them, awww i want another pup now...lol