Wake Up RIU: Parents sue son who refuses to move out


Well-Known Member

The parents of a 30-year-old man have resorted to drastic measures in an effort to get their
son to fly the coop: they are suing him.

Court documents say Michael Rotondo does not pay rent or help with chores,

and has ignored his parents' offers of money to get him settled.

Despite doling out five eviction letters, Christina and Mark Rotondo say their son still refuses to move out.

Michael is arguing that legally, he was not given enough notice to leave.

Mr and Mrs Rotondo filed their case with the Onondaga County Supreme Court,

near Syracuse, New York on 7 May, after months of unsuccessfully urging their son to leave.

The would-be empty nesters' lawyer, Anthony Adorante, told Syracuse.com

the couple do not know how else to get their adult son out of their house.

"We have decided that you must leave this house immediately,"

reads the first letter, dated 2 Feb, according to court filings.

When Michael ignored the letter, his parents wrote up a proper eviction notice with the help of their lawyer.

"You are hereby evicted," a 13 Feb notice signed by Mrs Rotondo reads.

"A legal enforcement procedure will be instituted immediately if you do not leave by 15 March 2018."

The couple then offered their son $1,100 (£819) to move out -

along with some sharp commentary about his behaviour.

"There are jobs available even for those with a poor work history like you.

Get one - you have to work!" they said.

By 30 March, however, it was becoming clear their son had no intention of leaving.

In April, Mr and Mrs Rotondo went to their local town court to see if they could evict their son.

But they were told that because Michael is family, they would need a Supreme Court

justice to officially send him packing.

According to WABC News, Michael has called his parents' lawsuit "retaliatory"

and has asked the court to toss out the request.

The Rotondo family will take their case to Supreme Court later this month -

some weeks ahead of Michael's 31st birthday.

Ridiculous laws. If the son isn't paying rent, is an adult, and isn't on the deed to the home, the parents should simply be able to call the police and have him removed from the house. Then again, the parents should be slapped for raising such a useless turd...
It took me 3 months to get my last renter out.

I should be able to physically remove a squatter after a week but the laws protect even them. Sucks.
Does the kid own the property? Is he part-owner? Does he have any claim on the house or his parents? No.

That means the solution is an easy one and the pussy-assed "parents" deserve everything they get because this is something that can be sorted out in minutes without the use of firearms.

In fact, I'm surprised the parents were able to produce offspring as it's clear "Daddy" hasn't grown a pair at all.

Here is the kid

Smirking little shit

I could never get tired smacking that smug git around the head with a cricket bat
The amount of "adults" who think they can live off someone else without any contributions amazes me. I'm pushing 40 and I know a few people just like this guy around my age. They're all convinced they don't cause a financial burden on who they live with, usually with an excuse like "well I don't eat much" or "I stay in my room, so it's like I'm not even there". I've tried explaining to a couple the accumulated costs of water, electric, heat, etc. but simple finances are like theoretical science to these people. Then there's the whole privacy thing. Maybe you're parents want to get freaky on the kitchen table Sunday morning.. but nooo! Their adult son comes shuffling out in a crappy bathrobe and slippers asking when breakfasts going to be ready..Maybe mom and dad should start banging all over the house in front of him? Maybe that'd drive him out.