Court ruling could send private marijuana grow-ops up in smoke

well i filed my reply to the DOJ's reply to the motiion we filed to be able to move gardens. they claim it's the same as Conroy's but we are asking for immediate relief for anyone who needs changes to their PPL or well as hopefully grandfather those from Sept 30 as well. fingers crossed we hear very soon! it'll be good for everyone & will include the "left outs"
Pullin for ya Dishes....Way to go on that move. I would be so pleased to see you get this. You need it badly imo. Arrrrgh said Charlie Brown....uuugghh.
Pullin for ya Dishes....Way to go on that move. I would be so pleased to see you get this. You need it badly imo. Arrrrgh said Charlie Brown....uuugghh.
we all need it. the one thing about what we filed-it's for everyone so I hope we get it.....that way we all can grow if we can & need to
DOJ also mentioned a lot about the fact that John Turmel did it up as a kit & posted it on his facebook page so there could be a flood so they asked for this appeal & any future ones be "disposed of"
The ruling in the federal case – in which four B.C. residents allege their constitutional rights were violated by the federal government when the personal-use grow-op program was shut down – isn’t due until the end of the year....ouch!

Wonder where that info came from?
The biggest retail development ( 50-70 big box stores and smaller ) in my city in the last 5 years was built right next to the dump....the fuckin dump. I've been over there in the parking lots and some days it stinks pretty a dump.
Greed over comes stink every time.
But oh ya let freak out at the smell of's just prohibitionists kicking there feet like a kid at Walmart who didn't get his way.
they had better evaluate a great deal of the smells doing business and budiness create and will be creating from now to forever
I love the fact that its a landscape place and a body shop complaining about the smell.
Ever read the labels on auto paint products and varnishes?
Car paint is full of isocynates that can destroy your nerves and worse in minutes lol
I worked in a body shop for two years but quit cus everytime i blew my nose it was rainbow colored.
Does weed smell obviously, should a grower take every precaution for smell fire and safety obviously. Should businesses operating in glass buildings collect rocks.....
Start dialing those numbers to complain to the authorities about those smells that make you sick everyone.... see if we can get at lest a fast food shop (aka Mcpukes) or even a soap shop kicked out of a shopping mall. When interviewed by the local paper say you would rather smell a grow op over the wretched reek over grease or soap
Ever been behind a mcdonalds restaurant that didnt stink? Ever seen the pink ooze leaking out of mcdonalds garbages? Think that stuff is good for anyone or the environment.
Ever been behind a mcdonalds restaurant that didnt stink? Ever seen the pink ooze leaking out of mcdonalds garbages? Think that stuff is good for anyone or the environment.
nope can't say I have been hanging out behind mcpukes..... is it cool to do so in your area?
Even if the ruling goes our way, this is exactly the sort of thing we'll be fighting next. Regional politicians are sheep and looking to make a name for themselves, they tend to side with NIMBY's and rarely think things through or support the minority, even when it's the right thing to do. This sort of example will only escalate with the NIMBY's having the last word. imo, do not register in any program unless it becomes fully legalized (not licensed for medical or the like), keep your mouth shut about it and control the smell. You'll be much better off, the regional politicians, feds, courts and NIMBY's can go fuck themselves...
Well the one near my house is right on a corner so everyone has to park behind it.
I havent been there in a long time but the pink juice used to be all over the parking lot
Next time i drive by i will take a pic
You cant compare paper mills to grow ops, not until theres grow ops that have towns built around them..the reason the town is there.

Spend the money to do it right...and life with your neighbors is much easier.