One candle = 1/4 lb co2 per 12 hours

Im going to admit my shame,

Back in the day I tried to setup a vinegar baking soda drip.
Lol at me.

Huge room, vents running, stinky ass vinegar. I wish I had a video it would make an excellent "epic fail" vid
Id prolly be rich from all the hits from people yelling "dipshit" at my face
One more time, for you stupid "fire hazard" Monkey motherfuckers who need every facet of physics explained:
This is a co2 burner:

This is a candle lantern:

...Do you idiots need further explanation? Do you see the parallels in form and function? Idiots? No? One more time.

This is a co2 burner:

And, Lantern:

Do you idiots understand the concept at play here?! For people who aren't retarded, you could just say "don't light a candle on a stack of newspapers. Do the opposite." For borderline dim-wittedness, it should only take pointing out that a "co2 generator" IS a mechanical lantern... But you dip shits need a powerpoint presentation, juice box and a nap.... IF you are one of these fire hazard safety trolls, who can walk out of a room with a co2 burner, but, as a grown fucking man, can not figure out how to walk out of a room with a candle, you are a grade A idiot. End of story. Trolling, that somehow not fearing candles like they are ISIS is a sign neglect or ignorance, the 5-6 of you are grade A morons.
At this point, if any of you idiots want to send me diagrams of your grow rooms, I'll hold your hand, send you details on how you could successfully light a fucking candle if you so chose. But I'm charging money for having to interact with roaches. Google "table lantern" dip shits. Amazingly, the world has figured out ways to not burn your fucking house down.
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can you break down the theory of relativity for us? seems like you got candles vs burners down pat already. maybe M-Theory if you have time in your busy day?
Yeah... that'd go over real well. That's why you clipped the rest of the quote explaining a "co2 burner" IS a lantern. You're an idiot, and MAYBE you're starting to realize your "safety" argument is washed, if not, you're a bigger fool. So, you have nothing, but, what? Some vain attempt at exaggerating the very simple logic your head has been too thick too absorb? You probably see Dr. Seuss as Comac McCarthy too.
"co2 burner":



So your grasp on Physics is limited to candle vs burner argument? Get your GED kid.
Haha... So, is that an admission that the parallels between a co2 burner and a lantern is logic that should be grasped by a child? I bet If they called it a "Mega Big Bud Co2 Blaster" and charged $79, There wouldn't be a question :P Then it would be "made for a grow room" You have no argument, never did.
still at it? guess when you're wrong, you hurl insults like a monkey throwing shit. maybe time for a little self reflection?
Here's a Moroccan Mega Big Bud Co2 Blaster 6. It comes with a $50 Advanced Nutrients giftcard...You know how the nation of Morocco came to be? How it came to be filled with Moroccans?.. They didn't burn their houses down. You shouldn't go to Morocco, it'd be scary.

You have no argument. Do you even know what is anymore? Other than a vague "everyone knows only an idiot would light a candle, just cuz. Burn down house." That is literally one of the dumbest arguments a person can make. Humanity cracked candle technology a long time ago. You see it implemented today in what you call a "co2 burner"
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I think it would be better to have a very fast respirating animal in a cage (chinchillas maybe?) they can breath co2 in there. When you are done your grow you can make a hat or something. Win Win I say.
It doesn't have to be "better", but super good to have caged animals in grow room (as long as it's comfy for the animal) Humans exhale over 2 lbs of co2 a day. I'd put my pets in there but reptiles and not worth it, respiration so low.